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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I appreciate the nonchalance but the help agent orange offered from the inside was calling off some guards for a little bit and mostly just not making a speech telling his fans to calm down. The fact is that January 6th was a pretty disorganized protest that turned into a riot due to a handful of instigators and what we discovered is that the capitol building is not routinely well protected and only avoided riots like this because they hadn’t happened.

    Which is a good thing. Public institutions should be kept safe because they serve the people well enough that no one wants to take them over. Not because they employ an overwhelming police force to keep the public out. (The original intent was that citizens would be able to just walk around most of these buildings if they wanted to see the government functioning, imagine that eh?)

    Now, obviously, DC is going to be on lockdown during inauguration day (as it should be) with a lot more military/police presence. But my point is that if an actually semi-organized militia had been there on Jan 6th with just a few more pistols and some designated leaders and organizers, they would have easily made it into the capitol even if trump had actually done everything to stop them. They would have been massacred in the resulting conflict as the US military sent its full force at them ofc but it would have been a much more consequential day.

    This isn’t me going to bat for anyone, the right wing militias are pitiful both in numbers and training. It’s just that I think the potential for danger and bloodshed when these guys finally snap and make their desperate bid for attention will be a little more violent than I see people seem to think.

  • Any trump supporter reading this will see this thread and know that the Democrats are delusional because the full context of the quote shows that it was not to be taken seriously and within seconds Trump not only dismissed it as a joke but called that liberals would take this quote out of context and run with it.

    Which is exactly what is happening. Besides giving Republicans more reasons to stick their heads in the sand, what on earth is the point of discussing this? Trump himself called out that it’s just more good publicity for him.