Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • you are not incorrect in your assertions, being that in a better world it wouldn’t matter. But we live in a stage of history where ignorance and disenfranchisement are tools of manipulation to keep a population docile, its citizens isolated from one another and helpless.

    Everyone needs to learn that politics is not actually optional: it will affect your life no matter where you go as long as there are other people - because even if oneself is not political, those other people ARE. Your boss, your landlord, your banker, your pharmacist, your doctor, your neighbors, your friends and family. Politics Knows Where You Live.

    People have power, but all too often they have been duped into not realizing it and lulled into an ineffectual stupor. That cannot be permitted to go on. And if a pop starlet can wake people up and make them pay attention to what’s being done to them instead of idly wasting their while on passive compliance to systems that are slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) killing them, then, well, fuck it I’ll take any advantage I can get.

  • what.

    No, WAT.

    … I … they …

    there’s … how the

    Am I fucking dreaming?

    Did I fucking DIE on the morning of July 21st 2024 and ALL of this has been nothing but a manic hallucination as all my neurons fire off for one last time?

    what i mean is, i honestly thought the boomers were beyond help???

    I could have SWORN they stopped giving a shit about anything but enriching themselves and fucking over their kids and grandkids and great grandkids just for the sake of their own sick amusement an entire decade ago.

    I am legitimately astonished that there’s a scrap of decency left in them to even COMPREHEND supporting anything but absolutely the worst of all available wrong decisions.

    there’s actually some part of me that wonders if kamala actually winning the support of THEM could actually be some kind of red flag… O_o; I’m not going to entertain that part or cultivate it, i’m going to starve it into atrophy now that i’ve expressed and confronted the thought, but still, this is such a shock that it was actually there.

  • Indeed the only thing the Democrat party learned on 2016 was that “Trump won so that is a winning strategy and I would do better if I were more like that”.

    Because NEWS FLASH, PEOPLE: Political Parties are not rational actors! They are FERAL. They CONSUME people, but the parties themselves are fundamentally not human. They do not have empathy, they do not have a conscience, and they BARELY even have object permanence!

    People need to realize that as long as we’re stuck in a First Past The Post model, what voting constitutes is NOT “supporting the lesser of two evils” but RATHER “punishing the greater of two evils”.

    The party that LOSES defines “what not to do”.

    Honestly for FUCKS sake the Republican party should have fucking DIED decades ago. The only reason Richard fucking Nixon won and got to deploy his cancerous Southern Strategy was because Wallace distracted the voters who SHOULD have been focused on KILLING THE GOP.

    We were almost free of the fascist anti-civil-rights pro-slavery SCUM.

    And you know what wouldn’ve happened? The Democrat party would have SPLIT. Because in First Past the Post there are always TWO viable parties. The split, as it always is, would have been along the pro-tradition/anti-authority line, and we would’ve had a centrist party and a progressive party instead of the centrist party and fucking dictator cult we have today. God fucking DAMMIT.

  • now to be fair, and maybe shapiro doesn’t even DESERVE my charitability but i’m gonna spare it anyway… we’re all subject to propaganda in our youth and he’s no exception. Apparently his views were more militant back in the 90s when he was in college and he even tried to VOLUNTEER for the IDF.

    But … like … back then, we didn’t KNOW the kind of shit we know today. It wasn’t common knowledge or easy to find out for college age (or in my case elementary school age) kids just how BARBARIC the colonizing state of israel was making shit for the indigenous population. Hell, before I KNEW better (to my great shame) I was a snot nosed little zionist when I was little. Because I was also still under the thrall of religion back then too and thought (erroneously) that “israel=always the good guys”.

    It’s fairly likely he didn’t know back then the awful shit the IDF gets up to. It’s easy to look back on the past from today and think “oh yeah it’s obvious” but israeli defense force soldiers RAPING palestinian civilians and then israeli statist simps RIOTING to stop those rapists from facing punishment for their crimes was actually NEWS to me not too long ago.

    I WANT TO BELIEVE that he didn’t try to sign up for the IDF with the intent of raping and pillaging trapped and marginalized victims of an apartheid police state like some kind of died in the wool mustache-twiddling villain. And I don’t want people pretending as though he was, either.

    all in all, his history ain’t a good look, and looks significantly worse than walz’s, who, far from actively agitating for israeli aggression at any point in his life, was just kind of going with the flow possibly not even realizing what he was agreeing to just as many of us used to before we found out the truth.

    i’m not gonna hold my breath hoping, but there’s still at least a chance that whoever gets picked might grow a better moral compass and come out against this abject fuckery the state of israel is perpetrating. It’s merely that, between the two of them, my perception is that walz is more likely to evolve his position to the better than shapiro.

  • wow viking_hippie did a way better job than i ever could have expressing the things i wanted to communicate in lieu of any ability on my part to streamline and organize my thoughts in a concise but thorough manner…

    but even though i’m very much NOT a fan of shapiro and i mostly agree with everything viking just said, that one bit about “Palestinians are too battle-minded”, iirc, was from an editorial he wrote in college back in the 90s, and while it IS a vile position to hold… not everyone was gifted with foreknowledge that it was baseless propaganda.

    I learned better since the 90s myself that, no, the middle east has NOT in fact ‘always been at war throughout all of history’, ACTUALLY. If i sound somewhat salty right now it’s out of shame for my past. I myself didn’t learn until over a decade later that the middle east’s history had a shit ton more nuance.

    None of us are immune to propaganda. As much as I dislike shapiro’s present positions I actually want to give him the benefit of a doubt that MAYBE he no longer actually espouses this position to this day, and I couldn’t find evidence (perhaps just skill issue??) either way.

    So, TL;DR: it’s healthy to pump the brakes and ask ourselves how legitimate some of the criticisms of someone are, EVEN IF the rest of the criticisms are unfortunately accurate.

    I’m not out here to demonize someone. I only set out to qualify exactly why I prefer Walz over Shapiro. Thank you both for being good sports about it!