Based Jaded & Stoned

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • Because we’re not a war with Russia. Unlike Russia, we do know how to perform a special military operation. If we were to run one, it would likely conclude within 2 to 3 months. At present time we are merely giving our old stockpile to Ukraine stuff that we would otherwise have to pay to safely dispose of. Believe it or not, most warheads have a shelf life before they become unstable and or not as viable.

    To give you a better analogy, if Russia was an 8-ft, tall basketball player, America is an entire team of them as well as a second string in reserves. We’re not playing right now though, we just gave our best shoes and basketball to this midget that we like named Ukraine. So far Russia has scored once and that’s pretty humiliating for Russia.

  • Welcome to the Linux community. Most of the software is free and open source. Most of the people who utilize this software are good people who want to help you. However, there are a few people who are total dick heads and who want to fuck you over. So because of that we build security into most of the things that we produce. For instance, if you were confused by why it instructs you to run a checksum after you download the software, that is because the actual authors of the software want to make sure that you downloaded their legitimate software and not some hack bullshit posted by somebody else. A checksum is just comparison of what you have installed to what you’re supposed to have installed and your computer will tell you if things don’t match up.

  • I’m not trying to nitpick and start an argument with you but the guy you’re replying to has conflated two very different things. Likelihood to bite and ability to damage with bite. You are most likely to be bitten by a Labrador retriever. You are most likely to be fucked up by a Pitbull. I will not deny that pit bulls have the ability to fuck you up. Just like I won’t deny the ability of a German Shepherd to rip a fist-sized chunk out of your leg.

    Furthermore he is pretending to quote with a sense of authority however reading his own linked article will disprove his claim. The number one identified breed with the ability to cause damage was “unidentified”. The article claims the number two breed was “Pit Bull” which is not a singular breed and encompasses many subreads. The third was “mixed” fourth was German Shepherd.

    I have owned many pits over the years. We currently own one that is 25 percent husky and 75 percent pitt that looks nothing like a pit he came out looking like a hound everybody loves him always asked to come up and pet. At the same time they are afraid and scared of our smaller mutt dog with a blocky head and call it a pit, but he’s just a mix of retrekver shepherd and terrier.