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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Yeah, same with my dad. Since he had enlisted he had gotten a masters, so they wanted to make him an officer, starting at some decent rank. However they wanted him to continue on with the types of locations he was being stationed at. He did a lot of work on test, and spy, aircraft, and did all that consulting travel. So they kept putting him in basically the middle of nowhere, but locations that either had a lot of traffic for things like spy aircraft, or they were geographically kinda centered, to travel between a number of locations, to work at, with that place being home base. He said he would do it if they sent him back to Vegas, or put him in Hawaii, or Edwards in southern California, or one of the major spots in Virginia, something other than arctic outposts, and a super rural areas. At the time we were stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho… He hated it. But no, they wanted him to stay there for a few years, then get moved a rather remote location in the midwest. So he retired after 22 years.

  • It was a good school. The things people did all differed depending on their location, money, etc. We had everything from kids who cleaned up trash for the needed hours, kids who volunteered with local emergency services, found work/internships with non-profit organizations, some came up with a project, and not only worked on it themselves, but went out in their communities and organized people to participate to get it done. One the the bigger things I saw was a girl, who was a minor celebrity, got a group of people in her neighborhood together, and built a park and youth center, because there was literally nothing for people under 21 to do in her area other than hang around in the streets. It helped that she was able to hit up some wealthy, much larger, celebrities she was working with, at the time, but hey, she got it done. All the paperwork, certification, etc. It was 3500 hours over the course of the four years.