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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • That’s what they tell us anyway. What actually breeds innovation is giving people the opportunity to explore their own talents and pursue their interests from a place of stability. Things that interfere with that include tying healthcare to employment, allowing receiving healthcare to bury someone in debt, tying public education to local income levels, allowing pursuing higher education to bury someone in debt, inadequate public mental health services, allowing the minimum income for a full time employee to be below the amount required to meet basic needs for the average family, allowing work time for a full time employee to exceed a reasonable limit that would allow the employee to spend time with children, take care of their own health, and pursue hobbies and other interests.

  • Until and unless someone steps up to challenge her and we know who is willing to throw their hat in the ring we can’t really support a specific candidate. All we have is speculation and who I’d like. Blind loyalty and immediately falling in line obscures the true picture for how much support she has and makes it less likely that a challenger will step forward. We need a real conversation about Harris’s candidacy and to know if anyone will challenge her for the nomination. Elizabeth Warren is who I want with Bernie as my second choice but I don’t see either of them as a real possibility because of their age. Let’s see if someone closer to them is willing to fight for the nomination before falling in line.

  • Honestly I super disappointed in Cheney. Don’t get me wrong, I never had much of a positive opinion about him, he was Darth Sidious hiding in the shadows and wielding all the power in the service of evil during the Bush presidency, but I did believe he had some version of family values. When, as a former VP and respected elder of the party, he didn’t step up to support and defend his daughter after she became a MAGA target I lost what little positive regard I had for him.

  • She covered up that a state crime lab employee was falsifying evidence leading to hundreds of false convictions. She opposed police reform including opposing body cameras. Her office, she claims without her knowledge, argued that prisoners eligible for parole shouldn’t be released from prisons so overcrowded that a judge ruled them cruel and unusual because it would reduce the availability of prison labor. She argued on two separate occasions that prisoners who had had their convictions overturned on the basis of actual innocence shouldn’t be released from prison because they hadn’t filed the motion for release quickly enough.

    Her record is staunchly pro establishment and she has participated in acts of overt corruption to maintain the status quo.