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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • “it’s not my fault my country killed a half million civilians, I can’t do anything about it.” -You

    And what exactly can I do to stop it aside from vote? You act like you have all the answers so please tell me what the average low income American can do to stop a war half way across the world. I’ll wait for the how to guide.

    “I demand my government force another country to stop killing civilians immediately” -Also you

    Never said I demand anything, I said I vote. You seem to make it a habit of putting words in peoples mouths to fit your agenda. You own a farm? Because you’re building straw men like crazy lol.

    Why the fuck would I support American political candidates as a non-American? Just because plenty of people are stupid, doesn’t mean I need to be as well. Plenty of people think that most Palestinian civilians are innocent, but it doesn’t make it true.

    I dunno, it is a very odd thing for you to do. It’s also very odd to tell citizens of another country how to behave and interact with their government. What country praytell are you living in? Are you personally making an effort to stop every bad thing their doing or do you just embrace your hypocrisy full force? Oh no, I bet you’re a “wait till people start dying to care” kinda guy.

  • And I’ve said I’m voting for Harris multiple times. If you don’t care and keep ignoring that, why should I extend greater courtesy to you?

    Because I’ve never said your not voting for her, simply that your comments could impact other voters. You’ve said I don’t care multiple times when I’ve said the opposite. You seem more interested in a sick burn than being accurate.

    While also saying that objections to genocide are making people vote for Trump.

    Never said that once. I never said being against genocide means you’re pro Trump. I’ve even said I’m against it. Holy crap you are dishonest.

    Imagine being emotional when your party is supporting genocide and is openly hostile to any attempt to stop or even slow it. This is monstrous and disgusting and unconscionably immoral. No US politician of any party has any business supporting this, let alone Democrats, the “moral high ground” party.

    Imagine trying to solve a problem with emotion not logic. That’s exactly what you’re trying to do.

    The lion’s share of your vitriol is directed at the critics of genocide, not at its perpetrators or enablers.

    Wrong again. I’m trying to prevent genocide being the middle east, you seem to have blinders on.

  • Well, if you have a problem with the anti-genocide=trumper accusation, you’re certainly not raising that concern with those who are making it.

    Ok, so in the absence of you knowing my stance you feel comfortable making assumptions. Seems like a logical path to truth. Ffs…

    If you have so much difficulty imagining having objections to genocide that you assume dishonesty

    You toss all nuance out the window to build this straw man. Genocide isn’t the only thing in the world happening. And like I said in my last comment the “but” is because context exists. We could enslave them all and that would fix the genocide. I can only assume you’re in favor of that because it would stop genocide, no buts.

  • there’s always a but.

    Yes because nuance exists. We could wipe out life on the entire planet, that would stop genocide. I’m guessing you’re in favor of that then, any means justifys the end huh? Or we could maybe take over and enslave both sides, that could stop genocide. You might say “yah but we just turned them into slaves”, to which I would say “there’s always a but.”

    From what I’ve seen on lemmy, no side is.

    This is pure dishonesty. In our convo alone I’ve said it’s bad and we should work to stop it.

    I’m already voting for her.

    While painting her as a horrible person that no and vote should vote for. Unless your saying people should vote for a pro-genocide candidate now.

    How many times do you intend to ignore that I’m voting for Harris?

    I dunno, when are you going to acknowledge that while you’re still voting for her you can actively turn votes away from her?

  • Ugh, your just as bad as Trump and MAGA with these childish comments. Please at least try to have an adult conversation, if your “fee-fees” can manage.

    Being “pro-genocide” means they like and want it. That’s not the reality, and if you think she really loves genocide you’re a lost cause.

    And I agree we should fight it, we should stop genocide but right now, which side do you think it’s more open to thatb conversation? Because it’s not the side that wants to removing voting. So I say get her in to office at all costs to protect democracy and then work to fix that.

    I’m just not ready to let the country burn to the ground over this and put us in a situation where we no longer even have a voice to speak out against it. People don’t seem to understand what’s at risk here in the US and the longer term effects it would have. Was in the middle east and Eastern Europe could become the norm.

  • “You lot”? What lot am I lol, I’m curious what stereotypical bucket you’ve decided I’m in.

    You then put “little thing” in quotes. I’ve never once called genocide a little thing, ever. This is more dishonesty. I said it makes her less desirable, that’s reality, I expressed that with a 10 point scale. What do you want me to make her and Trump both 0/10, act like they’re the same?

    But somehow I don’t care because I can see that all things considered one candidate is better than the other. You seem to tell me how I feel, who I am, and what I think. And now you’re telling me this doesn’t even matter to me? How transparent …

    Ok well I stopped reading the rest. Your not even making a point you’re just making wild assumptions and telling me who I am. Well I can tell you what I’ve observed about you. You don’t care about facts, reality, or nuance. You’re a hyped up activist that has lost the plot all for this crusade. You’re willing to let the world burn and attack anyone who doesn’t think this is all that matter in the world.

    You need to grow up and understand that wars and death happen throughout history. Most people don’t like it, and since you can’t stop making wild assumptions let me state clearly that I don’t like it. But if we drop everything and hyper focus on every single war while letting corrupt politicians who want to stop voting and remove rights at home then it helps nothing. If Trump is in office not only does he not help either, but he causes more harm. The net amount of suffering in the world goes up, and that’s what matters. I’m looking at the global stage and you can’t seem to expand your mind to see the big picture.

    Keep ranting and raving if you want. Tell me who I hate and that I love seeing people die or whatever, I don’t care. You’re a lost cause.