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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • We should laugh. It’s better for our mental health. It deflates their image in the eyes of those who share our laughter. And it drives these shit heads even more nuts, making them act even weirder, and making us laugh even louder

    What we mustn’t do is get complacent. We need to push hard no matter how we think it’s going. If it’s a tight race, we fight to take the lead. If it’s looking like a victory, we fight to make it a blowout. The bigger the margin, the harder it will be for Trump to fight it after, and the more likely it will be that we won’t have to deal with an impossibly divided and obstructionist legislature.

    Vote, and get others out to vote too.

  • First, I wouldn’t assume that there isn’t anyone planning to assassinate Harris.

    Second, let’s not pretend that there hasn’t been political violence coming from Trump’s side of the aisle. For example, does the phrase “where’s Nancy” ring a bell?

    Third, Trump has positioned himself as an authoritarian strong man who will not be restrained by laws, facts, institutions or norms. He has embraced extremism and excused violence. He promotes hatred, division and conspiracy theories. He attacks law enforcement and courts when they apply the law to him, while simultaneously threatening to wield them as a political tool to persecute his enemies. He has managed to get the Supreme Court to declare the president to be above the law up to and including being able to order the assassination of political rivals. He has rejected democracy, attempted to steal the last election, and incited a riot at at the capital in order to coerce congress into going along with his coup attempt. When that failed, he called for the constitution to be thrown out, and stated that members of his own administration that didn’t support him should be executed. He’s wielded his influence in the Republican party to undermine the defense of Ukraine and support for NATO, and has single-handedly weakened NATO by threatening to withdraw and sowing doubt as to whether the US can be counted on to honor the defensive pact at the heart of the alliance. He encouraged opposition to basic public health protections during a pandemic simply because they looked bad politically, fanning the flames of an anti-science and anti-health movement that significantly increased the death toll. He has promised to be a dictator, and wants to purge the federal government of anyone who is not loyal to him and his agenda. He has a base full of rabid nutcases who routinely threaten violence and intimidate those that get in the way or try to enforce the law. He uses Nazi rhetoric and is supported by neo nazis, white supremacists, and other militant groups. He also has the backing of numerous billionaires that wield disgusting amounts of power and influence, and he’s made no secret that he is willing to sell policy in exchange for contributions.

    And that’s not even an exhaustive list, just the first things that come to mind. Quite frankly, Trump is so toxic and such a clear threat to basically everything that America and liberal democracy is supposed to be about that it’s not a surprise that someone would take a shot at him.

  • Not exactly in this case. The title is framing his comments as being about making it hard to vote. While that’s absolutely what the bill he’s talking about will do, he isn’t presenting it that way. He’s saying that the SAVE act will “secure” the election and that the strategy of forcing it through by tying it to government funding will be a winning one for Republicans. Both these statements are false (voters don’t like government shut downs), but that’s still his argument.

    The quiet part is still quiet here, because you have to already know that the bill he’s pushing is about voter suppression, not election integrity.

  • So, Trump is “God’s Chosen” and has divine backing. But despite God being on his side, a little witchcraft can completely overpower him. I would have thought God’s power would be stronger than whatever dark sorcery the Demoncraft party could invoke, but apparently I was wrong.

    Yeah, it must be that. It can’t be that their orange messiah is just an elderly narcissist with no discipline or self-awareness, a rambling imbecile who can be easily manipulated by anyone that threatens his fragile ego. That would be crazy.

    Obviously it must be God’s will that Trump become President again, why else would He have told a small minority of believers to follow some rich asshole who embodies all of their most extreme political views? I mean, if he wasn’t specifically chosen by God, he wouldn’t have a divine mandate that negates the need to be moral or abide by any of that “love your neighbor” shit, and his deeply religious followers would have to choose between their faith and owning the libs.

    Since they don’t feel bad about their politics overriding the teachings of Jesus, it must be OK, which means it has God’s blessing. Therefore, God is on their side and endorses their political views, and their preferred presidential candidate. Which also means that the other side must be working for the devil.

  • I would expect the Trump supporters that are posting (particularly the ones posting as they watch) to post their support and approval for everything Trump says and does. Any that are disappointed or discouraged by what they saw are probably more likely to say nothing. People are quick to express the knee-jerk reaction they want to have, but it often takes time to process when they feel let down.

    I mean, yes, absolutely, there have to be people who nodded in agreement at everything Trump said, who were excited when he brought up the immigrants eating pets, who felt that Trump was the only sane one there. But there also had to be some that were frustrated with what they were seeing, and who now have a little less energy to devote to the election. Will the latter group be large enough to have an impact? We’ll have to wait and see.

  • As others said, she would mainly be converting independent voters and potentially some Republican leaning voters that don’t actually like Trump but are hesitant to cross party lines.

    But I also think it’s likely that his terrible performance and obvious weakness could be demoralizing to his more devoted followers. The people who buy into the stable genius strong man image he is so desperate to project got a chance to see just what a sad old wreck of a human being he is. Even if virtually none of them switch sides, a decline in enthusiasm likely translates into slightly fewer donations, slightly less engagement, and ultimately slightly less voter turnout.

    To put it another way, did Biden’s debate performance convert his base into Trump voters? No. But, it sure as hell had an effect on them.

  • I want Trump off the ballot (and planet) but I do think that another GOP candidate would have been much more likely to win.*

    Public opinion on the current administration and the economy is negative to the point that one would expect the incumbent party to be facing an extremely uphill battle. But Trump is even more unpopular, brings a ton of baggage, energizes his opposition and alienates his allies by threatening democracy and the rule of law, says crazy nonsense that drives away independent voters instead of focusing on issues, and sabotages his own campaign through mismanagement.

    * Of course, that would only have happened if Trump hadn’t run, since he would almost certainly have caused chaos and infighting if someone beat him in the primaries.

  • The problem is that declaring the debt gone doesn’t make it gone if the court blocks the executive order. It’s not like they can just hit a button and set all accounts to 0. There isn’t a paper ledger they can toss into a fire.

    If we’re getting creative about it and want to use some existing legal authority to take actions that might actually be able to stick, the president does have the near limitless power to order the minting of coinage. As I understand it, he could order the treasury to pump out commemorative student debt coins in denominations ranging from $100 to $50,000, and send them out directly to student loan holders, or maybe to student loan servicers on their behalf. This would carry huge political downsides since printing money to pay for things is pretty well known to lead to inflation, and even if this had no real world effect, the attacks tying the forgiveness to inflation would be relentless and likely persuasive to a lot of voters. But once done, it couldn’t really be undone.

    As with so many things, a realistic long term solution will require legislation. If the Democrats take the House and hold the Senate, that’s a possibility. But the current deadlock makes it impossible, because even if a bipartisan solution were to be negotiated, the leadership of the House will not allow anything to go through that might be good for the people or the country, because that could also be good for Democrats.