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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • Let me agree with you explicitly on loving the return to a sane power configuration here. I was watching Hardware Unboxed’s retest of this after the patches and it takes almost fifteen minutes of them reiterating that the 9700X and the 14700K are tied for performance and price before they even mention the bombshell that the 9700X is doing that with about half the wattage.

    The fact that we keep pushing reviews and benchmarks focused strictly on pedal-to-the-metal overclocked performance and nothing else is such a disgrace. I made the mistake to buy into a 13700K and I have it under lower than out of box power limits manually both to prevent longevity issues and because this damn computer is more effective as a hair dryer than anything else.

    We don’t mention it much because Intel was in the process of catching on actual fire at the same time, but the way this generation has been marketed, presented to reviewers, supported and eventually reviewed has been a massive trainwreck, considering the performance of the actual product.

  • So an interesting thing about this is that the reasons Gemini sucks are… kind of entirely unrelated to LLM stuff. It’s just a terrible assistant.

    And I get the overlap there, it’s probably hard to keep a LLM reined in enough to let it have access to a bunch of the stuff that Assistant did, maybe. But still, why Gemini is unable to take notes seems entirely unrelated to any AI crap, that’s probably the top thing a chatbot should be great at. In fact, in things like those, related to just integrating a set of actions in an app, the LLM should just be the text parser. Assistant was already doing enough machine learning stuff to handle text commands, nothing there is fundamentally different.

    So yeah, I’m confused by how much Gemini sucks at things that have nothing to do with its chatbotty stuff, and if Google is going to start phasing out Assistant I sure hope they fix those parts at least. I use Assistant for note taking almost exclusively (because frankly, who cares about interacting with your phone using voice for anything else, barring perhaps a quick search). Gemini has one job and zero reasons why it can’t do it. And it still really can’t do it.

  • I’ll take persona, although it’s been way too many games with the same setup. Ditto for the Trails series.

    Honestly, I don’t think it got any better than ATB systems in FF 6 and 7. Everybody else is either riffing on those or spending so much money they think they can’t be those and need to be Devil May Cry instead.

  • It certainly is a huge example of how the person running matters, and of how this stuff is, unfortunately, a matter of perception.

    Which is to say, there is now a big incentive for all dems to keep hammering on the obvious point that Trump was a barely functioning idiot at his best and now he’s an old barely functioning idiot. The age of the person saying it only matters if you’re going to get in an argument about it, but if Pelosi’s book can get this into a headline, it’s certainly a valid hit on that front.

    Because, again, if you’re a normie willing to vote democrat that is driven by image, not policy, it is way more relevant to get the message on as many places and as frequently as possible, nuance be damned.

    And if you’re not, and you want to argue on the merits of the argument and not do armchair political strategy on the Internet, the fact that Trump is entirely unfit for the job is obvious in any case.

  • Pelosi saying this wouldn’t change anybody’s mind if she was a teenager. Constant reinforcement from multiple sources and repeated reasons for the narrative to be present in media may change the perception over time.

    The headline is the goal here. The headline exists, the goal is accomplished. Now you need a few hundred headlines like that one from different sources based on different causes.

    Just to be absolutely clear, Pelosi was a major player in doing this exact thing to Biden. It was less than two weeks ago. We need to start having some object persistence at some point.