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Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s definitely a vibe. I took a wormhole (time travel) to 1991, walked into a blockbuster and keeled over from nostalgia.

    Nostalgia is such a complex/convoluted feeling – you can’t have it if you didn’t have a past to draw the experience from, but when you do have it, it’s almost like a religious or philosophical experience both acknowledging and becrying (or grieving) the passage of time.

    Unfortunately, even with a “time machine”, we the people who walk through the portals are ever changed. We won’t ever live in the past again. We can see those places and experience them in our present states, but…

    Just like a glass shattering on the ground and the pieces scattering: Entropy cannot be undone.

  • Artificial Intelligence Analysis:

    The chin is situated near the area where the tongue and jawbone interact during speech. It’s possible that the chin provides a surface for the tongue to move against, allowing for more complex sounds and articulations. The development of language is believed to have occurred around the same time as the emergence of Homo sapiens. While other primates have similar facial structures, they don’t possess a distinct chin. This suggests that the chin might be related to the unique demands of human language.

    Bingo – other animals don’t have a chin because they didn’t invent languages like humans did for communication, and thus the demands of speaking weren’t evenly distributed.

    Next time on interesting questions 104: Why did homo sapiens develop language when other animals such as Corvids did not?