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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • It’s actually kind of smart for the presidential campaign to push for a government shutdown. Republicans will get blamed, but not Trump specifically.

    And everyone looks bad in a shutdown to median voters. The immediate reaction is “just make a deal” which means Biden-Harris admin looks bad too…not as bad as Congressional Republicans but also bad, surely there are people who will (incorrectly) not think Voter ID laws are important enough for all this fuss either way.

    Of course, the problem is that the Trump team are being too obvious with it so they WILL be blamed if it happens, now.

    Same thing happened with the border bill…would have been genius if it failed without Trump meddling.

  • It’s wild how much the slowness of the judicial system distorts society. Rich people delay forever and evade punishment…this was a crime from 2016, 8 years ago, he was found guilty in May and won’t even get his sentence until late November, let alone start serving it.

    But, this is also a cause of some of the major issues at the Southern border. The immigration system is so bogged down that it can’t process the volume, judges are doing bulk decisions with seconds reading each case, people are being released into the US until their case can be heard which can be a long time, and that process is so politically toxic that both parties have switched to flatly illegal methods of rejecting legal asylum seekers or other legal immigrants.

    I’m not a legal expert but can we get some proposals to speed this all up? Do we just dump resources at it, get more judges so they can have fewer cases? Change the laws? Something needs to happen here.

  • Reddit is like this too on the app. Some of the worst algorithm recommendations I’ve ever seen. “You like (your local city subreddit), you might also like (some city you don’t live in subreddit).” Why?

    The worst is that is has ruined my porn account because it doesn’t recommend NSFW subs so I have to scrape past random unrelated garbage like the Pokémon card valuation subreddit and /r/cement, I counted and it went 40 posts between NSFW posts once. On my account that is exclusively subscribed to NSFW subs.