Once Republicans view something as hiw it is, there is no changing their viewpoint. All they know is to double and triple down.
Once Republicans view something as hiw it is, there is no changing their viewpoint. All they know is to double and triple down.
There is also the “We’re not voting this election” crowd. Some of the top searches during and after election day were: Is Biden running for president, and how do I change my vote. So, deep down, I really feel people tried to stick it to the Dems, but then regretted it, and now it’s too late.
Everyone who has any intelligence already knows this and has known it since his last term. It’s a cult. There is no one else other than Trump in their eyes. They’ve tapped into the cosmic fear that religion has and convinced his followers that America, if not the world, s doomed if anything were to happen to him. The fact that he won is “proof” he is chosen by God.
The GOP is dead. It is the cult of Trump.
You could just wait for what Trump would rant or accused someone of something, and sure enough, he’s doing or saying exactly the same thing. Every accusation is a confession.
Edit: Now I wonder about two things: 1: The GOP actually rigged the 2020 election and yet still lost, so in their minds Democrats must have cheated. 2: Cry rigged elections when there wasn’t any real fraud, causing people to defend the legitimacy of those elections, then actually rigging the elections, and now the DNC look like they are using rigged elections as an excuse to why they lost 2024, when they were just defending the legitimacy of those elects in the first place.
As long as you are rich or know the right people, you can do anything. What’s the point anymore.
This is what you wanted