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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Diversity has become a scare word for genuinely non-racist (just dumb) conservatives, they think they didn’t get that promotion because the company needs a black manager for DEI reasons even if there’s a better white dude for the job. The racists make it person: “They didn’t hire YOU, who is special and amazing and such a good worker bee, and instead hired that other guy JUST because he’s black!” They don’t register it as racial, but it opens them up to radicalization into the racist fold because now they start to develope that “you don’t deserve your position because reverse racism” slant to all their views.

    My convicted-felon, day-drinking alcoholic brother thinks that “Mexicans” (all brown people) are a plague that’s ruining his home in California because they started him on the “DEI is reverse racism, and that’s why you didn’t get that job!” Crap via whatever indoctrination he stated with.

  • I mean I haven’t heard anything about him for president or anything and he’s from my state so ofc I’m aware of him.

    He’s a senator from Arizona, the Dems shelled out massive amounts for his campaign to beat Martha “MAGA” McSally.

    All in all, not a bad idea for a Presidential bid. He’s a veteran combat pilot, a former astronaut, arguably a national hero for those 2, and he’s pretty progressive to boot. I’ll also never, sadly, discount the advantage a white dude has.

    Bonus point: Gabby Giffords as first lady would definitely be actively pushing gun control reform from the platform.