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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • I don’t really get this argument. If somone with enough knowledge about sights, ammo, and long range shooting experience to hit a target with a hunting rifle could also hit it with an AR15. The range in this instance was not excessive and well within the capabilities of both rifles. The difference is an AR15 can put a whole lot more shots down range, much faster. Obviously, I am aware that rapid semi auto fire or semi auto rifles in general are less accurate.

    Being able to shoot more rounds can make up for lack of skill. An amateur with an AR15 is much more likely to hit their target or inflict more damage than an amateur with a hunting rifle. Here a skilled shooter could have done it with either.

  • I looked more into fires and battery replacement and agree with your stats, much appreciated for the info.

    However, I never said it swappable would be faster for expanding. I said it was safer and allow for battery integrity evaluation. I agree the ideal solution would be chargers in homes as long as battery health and saftey are reasonable which they already reaching that point.

    I see alot of talk in these threads about how bad it would be to make infrastructure and need to invest. But our current infrastructure didn’t just show up. I bet when the first cars came out people with horses said the same thing. Thinking how much it would cost to build all these gas stations and refineries. Investment will have to happen and EV is the future. Obviously home chargers are cheaper and again the ideal solution as technology advances and the grid can keep up.

  • I think swappable batteries could be a good solution to fires and probelms seen with long term battery health. Like if batteries were smaller and you swap it out rather than charging they could be inspected before being redistributed. In an ideal situation the cost of purchasing a battery would be removed from the vehicle price and shift to a subscription/interchange system. It could help consumers if their battery goes bad by not needing to buy a completly new one and prevent fires. Unfortunately, everything is terrible and I imagine this would inevitably turn to some kind of scummy, overpriced, preditory system. I am not sure if damage caused by batteries is enough to justify such a program but I think insurance companies and governments have or will look into it.

  • People keep acting like if we defeat him this election we are safe. Trump isn’t the mastermind behind all these horrible policy changes. He didn’t write “Project 2025”. He is just the populist figurehead. The GOP has gone off the deepend and very election cycle will just be another chance for them to implement their BS. In the mean time congress will delay progress until they get their chance in the WH again.