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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That said, it’s misleading and inaccurate to state that neural networks are just statistics. In fact they are substantially more than just advanced statistics. Certainly statistics is a component—but so too is probability, calculus, network/graph theory, linear algebra, not to mention computer science to program, tune, and train and infer them. Information theory (hello, entropy) plays a part sometimes.

    What I meant when I said that they are advanced statistics is that that is what they do. I know that a lot of disciplines play a part in creating them. I know it’s incredible complicated, it took me quite a while to wrap my head around what the back-propagation algorithm.

    I also know that neural networks can do some really cool stuff. Recognizing tumors, for example. But it’s equally dangerous to overestimate them, so we have to be aware of their limitations.

    Edit: All that being said, I do recognize that you have spent much more time learning about and working with neural networks than I have.

  • Yes, I think Copyright lasts way to long. In fact, I believe that in an ideal world, copyright wouldn’t exist, because artists should be free to create whatever they please. So if a painter wants to paint, say Han Solo wearing a silly hat, they should be free to do so, but under copyright, they can be sued if they do so. Of course I realize that artists need to sustain themselves, and therefore need to monetize their artwork, hence we have copyright. But even then, it should be limited to, say, 20 years from creation of the work. That way, the artists would be able to monetize their work, even handsomely, but it would stop cultural landlords like Disney from arising.

  • While there’s almost infinite potential human faces, all human faces look somewhat alike, because, they’re human faces. My thesis is basically that if you draw or 3d model a human, chances are that there’s at least one famous person who looks similar enough for lawsuit even if you didn’t know they existed beforehand, making you liable to get sued if you try to monetize your artwork. So, basically, if this were to pass, artists would no longer be allowed to publish/monetize art that depicts humans, even if their art is completely original.

    Also, did you know that the NFT marketplace Open Sea used to ignore DMCA takedown requests? They assumed that the artists whose art they hosted would not be able to afford a lawsuit, and since they didn’t get sued into the ground, I assume they were right. It would similar with this. If you’re an average person, you wouldn’t be able to afford to sue if Disney or such uses your appearance without your permission.

    And that’s how this would make life worse for the average person.

  • Words, my dear, mean something. ‘Fascism’ however, has quite many definitions. If we use Umberto Eco’s definition, then genocidal aspirations and/or policies, even though they are despicable, are neither necessary nor sufficient to be considered fascist. ‘Fascism’ does not mean ‘policies I don’t like’.

    Of course, I should probably stop using such big words when talking with you, as you seem to have problems with those. For example, in this comment, you say:

    They [Democrats, I assume] have continually worked to disenfranchise third party voters […]

    ‘To disenfranchise’ means to deprive somebody of their right to vote. Third party voters are not being disenfranchised, as by definition, they vote. It’s just that they’re wasting their vote.

    Of course, what have the Democrats done for you lately? Republicans want to deprive trans people of their right to exist, but you don’t care, because you aren’t trans. Republicans want to end abortion, but you don’t care, because you’re not pregnant. And you care about as much for Palestinians, as anti-choicers care for unborn babies. You’re tenuously middle income, the lowest class that can be considered part of the in-group of late-stage capitalism. Hence, you consider capitalism your enemy. But you failed to acquire critical reasoning skills. Not your fault, of course, the US education system is chronically underfunded. So you flock to authoritarian strong men, in your case, you fell in with authoritarian communists. Or as they’re also referred as, Tankies. If you were a bit wealthier, you’d likely be a Trump supporter.