Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • I’ve lived all over the country, and that distinction means nothing to anyone outside of the Northwest. Sure, it’s correct to call it that, if you’re being real pedantic, but if you go down South for instance, “Pacific Northwest” means Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and they still consider that region a whole lot more liberal than it actually is.

    Secondly, having also lived on the west side of the Cascades… that’s less of a distinction than really matters. Like everywhere, it’s actually the cities that matter, and outside the cities its as racist and backward as anywhere else.

    So I feel pretty confident in calling that the Pacific Northwest in what most average Americans would think of when they considered it. Not to say most Americans suck at geology and geography (that’s actually exactly what I’m saying) but I wouldn’t think most would be able to point to the Cascades on a map, let alone understand the distinction between the two.

    So you’re correct in your quibbling, but also in the context of my response to OP, we’re talking about a reluctance to call middle America what it is: racist. I would think quibbling about saying “we already knew demographically that they’re not progressive” kind of misses that point.

  • While I know we all love dunking on the dipshit Musk… the data from Open Secrets isn’t exactly compelling that these people deeply materially support Harris over Trump. So they’ve spent a bit more donating to Harris… the amounts are honestly a drop in the bucket compared to the full budgets of these campaigns and I’m like 90% sure that a number of them are donating to SuperPACs instead so they can donate beyond their max individual contribution. So, personal opinion, misleading and not necessarily indicative of anything at all, as much as I would love to guffaw and point to it as more evidence that Musk is out of touch with even his own workforce.

  • The most sinister part of the chaos that Trump brews, honestly, is the deep apathy and antipathy towards politics that seems pervasive in society. Everyone was already tired by capitalism, but post-COVID the grind and the demand has spun ever higher while Trump keeps orchestrating chaos from, well, not even the fucking shadows but more like the toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

    It breaks a lot of people, and its fair, they’re just scraping by, worrying about their own. They have their own serious problems, medical issues, sorrow, loss, you name it, people are suffering. It’s validly hard for anyone to find the time for it and they become disconnected and disoriented.

    It’s fucking maddening that it works. It feels like humanity never actually left the dark ages.

    Anyway, quality Mother Jones article, good breakdown on why a lot of people’s memory of the past seems to forget the worst excesses. Explains a lot about the Bush administration, too, really.

  • Do Republicans really hate America this much?

    It’s been over 10 years of this. When hostile foreign nations are constantly angling to hurt Democrats and support Republicans, how can you honestly tell yourself that you’re on the right side of this issue.

    I’m no fan of the fucking US government, especially because they do the same kind of shit to other countries, but that’s the damn point, we’re trying to fucking do better and the people who maybe could do better for us are being ratfucked by hostile foreign governments who always suspiciously support Republicans. I get that a lot of Democrat senators and house members are scum, too, but that leaves a whole large swath of the party (especially at the local levels!) who are not.

    I just feel like if it was clear nations that had vested interest in our nations failure on the national stage was always supporting Democrats, I’d be a little skeptical of it. The fact that Republicans aren’t screams volumes.

  • The audit details and whitepaper details are far beyond my capabilities to understand. Can anyone with knowledge of the field tell us about the findings? If you would be so kind, please and thank you.

    Good on them for getting an audit and making the code publicly auditable, but I really would like to hear an opinion from some folks who are more involved in cryptography on whether this is Discord being genuine and doing the right thing, or is it Discord trying to use Public Relations and weasel words to make it seem like they’re doing the right thing.

    It’s just hard to trust a private company’s motives sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they’re not capable of doing the right thing. Thanks to anyone who can give some input on this.

  • Have you ever worked in a corporation or in government? Even moreso, have you ever worked at a secured facility of any type?

    You don’t just get to install whatever the fuck you want on machines, you know? They have to go through a process, and since this is a government organization, if the law doesn’t allow them to install something like that on a thin client, it’s kind of pointless to reference.

    I’ve worked a shitty corporate job where I basically had no power and I had to get approval from a couple different teams for something like Microsoft PowerToys, which is free and made by Microsoft.

  • Does Libre Office run on Swintec typewriters?

    Because the issue is they’re not even allowed a PC, the budget only allows typewriters.

    They even point out in the article that a new Swintec technically costs more than a new, crummy laptop.

    They’re promoting new legislation to allow the libraries to allow modern equipment and not just typewriters.

    Further, since it’s a Correctional Facility library, there’s gonna be strict controls and even if they wanted Libre Office instead of Microsoft Office they would have to put in a formal request for it and then have various security teams deciding whether it was safe to use or not, even though it is technically free. I mean, that goes for pretty much any government job or corporate job, too. They don’t usually let people install whatever they want on government or corporate networks.