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Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • The GOP is going to hold locksteady either way. The goal is to get the undecided.

    In the debate, Harris played Trump like a fiddle. She made him go on a rant on her cue and he didn’t disappoint. He ranted about Haitians eating dogs. Turns out he said this because he was manipulated by a nutjob in his circle, most likely Laura Loomer.

    So Trump was goaded into doing a rant by a woman and the most memorable part of the rant was something planted into his head by another woman. Kind chips away at the “Trump is alpha” thing that might be influential to low information undecided male voters.

    Also in 2016 it was Trump himself dominating the news cycle, not the nutjobs he surrounded himself with. If Trump can be convinced to rant about the dog thing, what else can the people he surrounds himself convince him to do? If Trump is portrayed as easily manipulated, that puts Project 2025 back on the table. Because no matter what he might say about it now, everyone knows the likes of Laura Loomer can manipulate him into doing it.

    Anyway it all fits into the news cycle on the debate. Trump lost, ranted about people eating dogs, and showed everyone he’s easily manipulated. Next week Harris will push for another debate, probably landing on “Trump is too scared to have another debate.” The media will latch onto that in hopes Harris can succeed in goading Trump into another debate, because the last one had an audience of 67 million. Either there’s another debate or Trump looks weak. Which is good for Harris either way.

  • Yeah it is. Most computers come with windows pre-installed so most people never do this kind of thing.

    And there’s also things people need to be careful of. Like wiping all out all of their cherished photos by formatting the entire drive. Considering that casual users probably shouldn’t attempt to do this. Not trying to gatekeep or anything, but there is potential for data loss for a user that doesn’t back up their data properly, which is common for casual users.

  • You’re describing your version of “thoughts and prayers.”

    The pro-Palestinian movement has devolved into a movement that’s largely based around hatred of Israel. Which is why most of society is ignoring it now. The genocide that’s being used to justify that hatred didn’t happen. The UN expressed concerns earlier in the year (which many took to be a declaration of genocide) but we haven’t heard anything from them since then. There were concerns over there being a famine (people said that was Israel’s intention) but that also didn’t happen.

    The pro-Palestinian movement was unable to contain their hatred. Some people tried to call out the antisemitism but they were drowned out by the hate. So now it’s become an alt-right movement that distrusts the mainstream media (many think it’s controlled by the Jews) and have restricted their information intake to just internet sources that agree with their narrative. So it’s being ignored by most of society… other than concerns about potential violence coming from that movement. That movement failed to influence the broader population because no matter how much the hatred is denied by those within the movement, its obvious to everyone outside of the movement

    Pushing false narratives isn’t going to help anyone in Palestine, but it’s not about helping Palestinians now is it? It’s about promoting hatred of Israel. The “speaking out” about a false narrative is just something that makes you feel better, it doesn’t help anyone. Probably actually hurts Palestinians because there won’t be peace as long as the hatred persists.

  • It’s only impossible to people who believe that everything can be fit into a one dimensional political spectrum.

    China clearly is more fascist than communist these days (no matter what they call themselves) but at what point did it cease to be communist and become fascist?

    Seems to me both communism and fascism are both authoritarian they just rationalize it in different ways. China has had a continuous authoritarian regime for many decades, but previously it was rationalized as being needed to bring equality. But now there’s capitalism and billionaires in China (but no labour unions) so the rationalization for authoritarianism has shifted to needing a strongman to protect China from foreigners. Same government, just a shift in rationalizations.

  • Your links are from nearly 6 months ago. There were concerns from people that don’t know what a war is. Yes, there were high casualty numbers when the IDF initially moved in, because there was a lot of combat happening between the IDF and Hamas. But after that the war became low intensity and the casualty numbers leveled off. If a country was committing genocide the civilian casualties would increase when there was no longer anyone there to defend them. We’ve seen the opposite trend in Gaza. High casualties in the initial stages when there was heavy fighting, casualties drop off when Hamas loses control of an area.

    The UN expressed concerns about a potential genocide, but we haven’t heard much in the last six months. It’s because the genocide the UN had concerns about didn’t happen. Check your wikipedia link again. They may soon change the page from “Gaza genocide” to “Accusations of Gazan genocide in the Israel–Hamas war” because… well people are realizing the genocide narrative being heavily promoted didn’t actually materialize.

    What do you suppose it would be like to be on the wrong side of history? What will historians say about people that wanted a war to be called a genocide in an obvious effort to foment hatred against a country? Only time will tell I suppose.

    But at any rate the pattern of behavior is undeniable. The pro-Palestinian movement have the exact same behavior as the alt right. There’s a great many conspiracy theories shared between the pro-Palestinian movement and the alt-right, same distrust of media that doesn’t conform to their biases, same misuse of terms like genocide to create a violent fervor. At this point the only thing the genocide narrative is accomplishing is helping Hamas and friends recruitment numbers which will result in more violence in the future. Is this what you want?