Please explain how the Democrats are the fascists here?
Please explain how the Democrats are the fascists here?
That all sounds pretty fair. I haven’t watched many of those videos you’ve mentioned but I certainly have noticed times where it feels like she is stepping outside of her expertise. And totally agree on Kurzgesagt. I feel like they are one of the more reliable science channels on the platform.
Care to explain why?
It’s so incredibly obvious to me and pretty much anyone with a functioning brain that there is no point in trying to explain it to you. It’s very obvious where your bias lies here.
It’s not aesthetics. It’s very obviously a mental issue. Almost certainly Alzheimer’s/dementia. If Biden had done this on the campaign trail every media outlet would be calling it what it is.
While I agree with most of your statements, the RTGs that NASA uses (assuming that’s what you are referring to) don’t really have much of a connection at all to Nuclear power plants. They are very useful for small scale projects like rovers but really have no commercial uses for anything near people. Plus I think NASA generally prefers solar power whenever they can use it as it’s far cheaper and safer to get into orbit.
Ah so of course that must mean that these scientists are wrong!
Plastic bottles are made using PET or PETG and it is one of the few plastics that are easily recycled. Most plastics however are not. And just because people are using plastic they found to make custom products does not mean the plastic itself is recyclable. It needs to be recyclable on a large scale where it can be reused in large scale industries to not have a negative impact on the environment.
I never said or implied that. Which nation are you implying here?
It could have easily been for secret info, or for the US to ignore something that we shouldn’t have. Or for some future favor that ended up not occurring. Either way it is an incredibly bad sign for the most powerful person in the country to be taking huge bribes from foreign nations (or anyone for that matter.)
This video includes a much better representation of what gravity is IMO. The creator had the same issue with people describing gravity with gravity.
So are you saying it will be better under trump?
I suppose they really wanna use all that R&D that they did on gesture tracking with the vision somewhere.
Theoretically could congress pass laws stating that the EPA has the right to regulate all chemicals if they do choose? I’m sure it would also have ramifications I suppose
Wow you must think pretty much every first world nation is fascist then. It takes more than what you’re saying to be fascist. Far right governments existed before fascism , and while America is far from progressive, it’s not really fascist either.