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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • The Chinese influence is absolutely viewed as positive. When the Chinese influence, a road, a port, a library, a school, etc gets built. When the US influence people die and everything gets bombed to death.

    What’s surprising is the Philippines has such a low US influence number considering the history and the US right now using it as a pawn to harass China. Even Australia has told the US to back the f’ck off from the south China sea and using Philippino shipping lanes and vessels as pawns to start WW3 or WW4 at this point.

  • He’s a stupid old man. But this is the sort of non-news story smear campaign for “candidate too old”. It’s the same exact story for Trump as it was for Biden a few months ago. Both may be true, but let’s stop being hypocritical.

    Also if anyone has done a traveling sales pitch, which is all he’s doing, this happens sometimes. One of the presentations I have and give to people all over the planet is basically the exact same thing for all but 1 or 2 slides because it’s “tailored for every audience”. You go on autopilot. And sometimes you seriously don’t know where you are. You get on a plane and show up. The only people that care he missed the name of the place are people too stupid to realize he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care where he is, it could be Iowa or Montana or Missouri, they’re all shithole places to him and he just wants back on his plane and to GTFO as soon as possible. These aren’t his people. He really could not care less than he does.

  • Similar to reddit, only the popular opinion gets support, everything else gets attacked. Since it is mostly Americans and American politics, it’s mostly a very western centric viewpoint that many other parts of the world label as propagandist. It’s literally taught in German textbooks for example.

    On reddit the user base is large enough that some alternate opinions got through. Here you get banned or removed if you don’t tow the line of America #1.

    Not everyone that disagrees with your viewpoint is a troll. Not everyone that has a global view of the world is a paid Russian bot. Some are very easy to spot as written by LLMs. But most are not.

    I think you’re going down a very slippery slope here. All those reddit subs that become echo chambers started this way.

  • Issue is definitely corporate greed outsourcing issues to a mega monolith IT company.

    Most IT departments are idiots now. Even 15 years ago, those were the smartest nerds in most buildings. They had to know how to do it all. Now it’s just installing the corporate overlord software and the bullshit spyware. When something goes wrong, you call the vendor’s support line. That’s not IT, you’ve just outsourced all your brains to a monolith that can go at any time.

    None of my servers running windows went down. None of my infrastructure. None of the infrastructure I manage as side hustles.