Heck, I have about 10 phones in my own house, there’s about 20-25 at my in-laws.
Me because I keep old gadgets
In-laws because they have 8 children, and instead of the trash they just toss old phones into a box for anyone who breaks the new one.
Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
Heck, I have about 10 phones in my own house, there’s about 20-25 at my in-laws.
Me because I keep old gadgets
In-laws because they have 8 children, and instead of the trash they just toss old phones into a box for anyone who breaks the new one.
no Democrat is likely to do that
Honestly this is what pisses me off.
When an opponent who literally wants you or yours dead hands you a gun, shoot them with it. Because if you don’t shoot, they will.
Republicans have handed democrats so many tools over the years they could easily wield against Republicans… But they don’t.
They take the “high road.”
The Moral High Road is Filled With Corpses.
Here’s a crazy idea: no PERSON is involved in cutting off the mic.
They’re on timers.
X you have 45 seconds to answer. timer clicks down and auto shuts off
Nobody has to worry about biased moderation because they wouldn’t let cheeto ramble weirdly for ten minutes.
And more importantly we won’t have to deal with a fucking child doing the "I STILL TALKING AND LOUDER SO MY POINT IS BEST LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU* on stage while 30% of the country cheers.
From my understanding, it’s how many processes it’s running?,
Could be open tabs, but my Firefox always has at least (3) even when I’ve just opened it.
I would bet that you’re all guys
Weirdly sexist take…
Every time I get downvoted, I move an inch closer to the exit door of this community.
Lol OK bye.
Nobody gives a shit and complaining about down votes is the quickest way to get them.
Guess what! Outside of a few custom instances that for some reason want to be reddit, the fediverse doesn’t track your total karma.
Unless you’re going back to keep track of your comments for some weird reason, the only time you see a down voted comment is when you get replies.
I could have hundreds of net down votes by now, but I don’t know because luckily my instance doesn’t track votes.
The point is, it’s a little number next to an arrow. Who gives a shit.
A lot of MAGAts would gladly shoot themselves in the foot if they were certain the bullet hurts “the libs”
Personally, I don’t see any deciet here.
Nobody claimed anything, someone just went around asking questions. Personally I wouldn’t care if a red hat came into my Cafe and asked questions like that, and I would give my very strong opinions exactly as I would to anyone else. If they said a republican was about to come in for a PR stunt, I would ask to speak to the owner, and if they’re actually cool with that the they have lost my business.
I still wouldn’t feel like the person who came in was being in nay way subversive.
Honestly if I ran across one of their candidates alone in the middle of the night I might feel the urge to deck them whether I act on it or not, but that exact thing is the reason they should go without stating the reason for the questions and visit fist thing. What if someone were just psychotic and armed? They could quite easily pretend to be the world’s largest supporter in order to get a seat at the next table over for a better shot, instead of the scout saying “that guy in the corner gave strange vibes, better put extra security over there or pass on this one”
Or someone might start throwing shoes…
Why would you ever make a plan when you make the subconscious assumption that everyone operates around what you want?
Because their whole life has been geared toward allowing them to believe they are entitled to everything.
As always, calling others “entitled” was pure projection.
When I worked at a store that sold guns in 2016, supposedly there was a chance that a certain oddly-colored cheeto would be making a PR appearance after a speech in town.
I straight up told my manager if they actually think it’s a real possibility then I will not be returning to work after my lunch break. I don’t think for a second my threat actually made a difference, but I’d like to think my manager and district manager would take their ONLY trained tech for their most profitable services in 8 states and risk them leaving over a PR stunt they know will piss off half the people who shop there.
However when one of the red hats found out that the district manager called corporate to say it wasn’t a good idea, they quit. Granted, nobody cared since it was their first week, but I know they were talking about being desperate for work they were qualified for that won’t do a background check. So they quit over stupid shit when they apparently needed the money.
Logic is not strong with that crowd.
Words mean whatever the people in powersay they mean, and unless and until the rest of us are sick enough to actually do something about it… Well… Nothing changes if you don’t do something different.
I mean, the “front page” of lemmy is basically “POLLS? POLLS!” already but I’m positive it’ll get 10x worse.
Legit my first thought was “why are we celebrating TV RATINGS like they somehow equate to voting?”
You can have 50,000,000 people watch the same TV show but not buy any merchandise. A lot won’t even have the ability to purchase something from the show.
And I sure plenty of people watching last night won’t be able to vote for one reason or another.
The system is working as designed.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Sure is great that all that empty land can vote.
You know, as much as I hate it… “you know it when you see I but hard to definet” really is accurate.
There’s plenty of things that aren’t outright illegal that are completely inappropriate around children.
And if there are things that are context specific, it gets a lot harder to make a computer recognize a problem.
Audio cues are easy to scan for and computers are pretty good at recognizing sounds, especially in regards to copyright detection (even if their interpretation of “fair use” clause is still fucked 6 ways)
Video is a lot harder unless the computer is trying to match direct images (it’s a lot easier to recognize a still frame from The Avengers when it’s uploaded full size than it is to recognize a slightly warped, smaller cropped version with someone in front of it commenting on the video)
me, thinking of elsagate
First time?
I’ve noticed a lot of people are the “sit back and watch your neighbors be executed and sent to camps” crowd.
Unfortunately there’s also a lot in the “I would but not alone” crowd.
It’s why left-wing organized groups get alphabetted at the drop of a hat.