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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Problem with publicly traded is that there is no personal risk past the price you bought the stocks for. You paid $ 1,000 for some stocks of “evil chemical corp”? Now your financial interest, and thats the only measureable one, would want them to pollute for a damage of $ 10,000 respective to the stock value if that increases your stock price to $ 2,000, as long as the risk of them having to pay for cleaning it up is smaller than 50%. Problem is the same holds true for a damage of $ 100,000 relative to your stock. Or any arbitrarily large amount. Your share in the damage caused could be in the billions, but worst thing the company goes bankrupt and you loose your stocks buying price.

    The only alternative would be holding shareholders responsible with their own money, if a company is forced to pay up for damages they caused, going past its bankruptcy.

  • And all the conspiracy theories and vile attacks are on brand for MAGA. Now a growing part of the Dem supporters act in the same way as the MAGA crowd.

    Also i cannot help but remember someone who posted a quote form 1984 the other day:

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

    This is where we are at for people making up all sorts of BS why Biden messing up his speeches, walking in the wrong directions and being blitzed out on stage is somehow not signs of an old men with dementia.

  • Don’t change horses.

    When the horse is dead you will not ride anywhere with it, period.

    At least since half a year serious people talk about the fact that Biden is becoming too old for office and shows dementia. The DNC had a good year and quite frankly they should have already planned Bidens succession the moment he got into office. It was clear on Jan 6 that they need a new generation that can inspire and has the strength to fight against the Reps.

    Now with every week passing Biden will show more and more that he is an old man whose mental capacities are diminishing at an alarming rate. Staying on this horse is a guaranteed win for the Republicans. Heck, even if Biden was voted in, he’ll die of natural causes or become a vegetable within the next year. This will be a prime moment for the Reps to tear apart whatever Dem administration would try to emerge from that.

    The only solution is a change of generation in the DNC. The old cabal will hand the nation over to fascism otherwise.

  • I had none of these issues and i don’t know what you are talking about.

    If you install programs through your package manager they come with a start-menu entry just as easily findable as in Windows. If you don’t install programs with an installer in Windows you get the same problem.

    Also mounting HDDs made its content accessible to all my programs so far, without any issue. I think you must have chosen extremely obscure distros or fucked things up by yourself during install processes.