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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024


  • I also wish there was a system to differentiate between shilling for Russia/Trump and honestly shitting on the Dems… Like, it’s OKAY to point out the horrible and hypocritical shit the Dems have done and continue to do and support, and to demand better… That’s how we push them left… It’s ridiculous when people are clearly giving honest critique of a pretty corrupt party (albeit less horrible than the other party) and get shit on for it. I think there are definitely obvious DemBots on here as well who’s only job seems to be to shout down any and all criticism of the Dem Party…

    That being said, there are also obvious “Russians” pushing nonsense and THOSE definitely deserve to be called out and shit on

  • Another example of Dem half-assery… You KNOW the Republicans are going to obstruct everything you do… So why half ass it? Propose these changes sure… But also come in swinging… Use that immunity they gave you to fucking come through with a sledge hammer. Instead what they do is little piddling bullshit that they know won’t pass… After 40 years of it, I have to believe they don’t actually want the changes to succeed… They just want to be able to pretend they tried so they can blame the Republicans for doing what they knew all along they were going to do (while their corporate daddies don’t lose a penny of profit). Get in the ring, pack the court, black site any Republican who says anything promoting insurrection or violence even just a little… Arrest the justices for corruption… it’s all legal for Biden right now. SHOW them why they don’t want the president to have unlimited power. Same goes for the insulin bill thing someone posted earlier. If you know it’s going to be blocked, at least be fighting for universal single payer… Stop wasting time