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Joined 14 days ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2024

  • I wonder how much this will come back to hurt the company. Musk & co. want to play dumb games? Enjoy watching all the potential Xitter users in Brazil flock to Bluesky and other platforms while your site remains in the dark.

    Xitter isn’t special. People will find ways to socialize online with or without it. And the longer people go without it, the more momentum other sites will gain. Whether this stalling is deliberate or unintented doesn’t matter, the fact is they’re only hurting their own bottom line when an entire country is disengaged from their platform.

    In other words, keep it up, Elon. It’s fun to see some natural consequences arise from your stupid behavior.

  • This was such an awful take. Church-based childcare lacks much of the government oversight that non-religious centers adhere to. There’s a great book by former senator Sean Faircloth called Attack of the Theocrats that highlights a number of disturbing facts and news stories where children were neglected, harmed, and even died while under the so-called “care” of such institutions.

    Even if we were to choose to ignore those realities, there’s still the fact that Vance’s idea means spending federal money to fund religious centers.

    And here comes the point where, based on previous GOP behaviors, we have to think about what changes would likely occur in order to create this “neighborhood child care” model. A reasonable person who cares about the best interest of the children would probably support giving such child care groups a way to become trained and licensed, to ensure a high quality of care and safety for the children. Unfortunately, the GOP tends to fight against oversight and regulation. Without more specific details on how they would enact this change, we can only speculate on the proposed details. However, knowing the GOP playbook, I wouldn’t be surprised if their answer boils down to more deregulation, to allow more centers to proliferate with fewer “barriers.”

    I hope that isn’t the proposed case. Either way, the idea of federal funding being used to prop religious organizations does not inspire my confidence.

  • It’s easier said than done, for many people. A lot of people prefer to avoid potential confrontation. It’s sensible to the individual, but it does end up enabling the spread of disinformation as a result.

    A good tip for these situations is to make it seem like you just figured something out. Go, “Wait…” and look like you’re confused and thinking about it. Then slowly mention each point, laying out them out like puzzle pieces. Finally, and carefully, put it all back together to make the logical result.

    Personally, I’ve dealt with these conflicts throughout my life (yay for autism!) and have had to learn how to handle them through trial and error. In my experience, having a positive reputation with whoever you’re talking to makes your words much more powerful. Those of you who’ve stayed quiet (or at least, apolitical) til now may already have a big leg up on this. Also if you’ve never stepped in when a group is spreading disinformation, you may end up making a bigger impact than you expect. It’s like when a quiet character in a show suddenly speaks up - you pay more attention, feeling that they’re about to say something important.

    One last thing - don’t expect to change minds immediately. It takes time to process things, especially when one is confronted with logic that contradicts their beliefs. Sometimes it takes a few days, sometimes it takes a few years. Nonetheless, the more seeds of reason we sow, the better the chances that some will sprout.

  • If too many voters decide to go against Democrats now because they are disgusted by the Democrats support for the many heinous atrocities committed by the Netanyahu government, it would force the Democrats to reevaluate that position and force AIPAC influence out, to regain credibility with the people.

    I wish that would happen, but if Democrats lost this cycle, do you believe they would immediately link back to this particular issue?

    I fear that the United States would find itself consumed in pressing domestic issues if Harris were to lose. Over the past several years we’ve already been witnessing the rapid spread of disinformation, a poorly-handled pandemic, increasing racism, xenophobia, and violence, as well as women suffering from lack of reproductive care. As much as I’d hope that a democratic loss led to a disconnect from AIPAC, I imagine a presidential loss at this time wouldn’t change that. Rather, it could force relevant local issues to overshadow issues of foreign influence (which, if history tells us anything, certainly wouldn’t decrease if Trump returned to power.)