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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • GRRM gave the showrunners his notes on the last two books.

    Now he famously doesn’t do traditional storyboards, he’s a very organic kind of author. He makes a character in his head, puts them in a situation, and just writes what they would do, and everything flows from there. But, every story does have to have a beginning, middle, and end. So the major plot points have to be written down somewhere.

    You know how Jon turned into an NPC who just kept repeating that he didn’t want the throne, pretty sure that’s a major plot point that was in the notes. The note was probably “Jon doesn’t want the throne” so that’s all the dialogue the writers gave him.

    There is a decent chance that season 8 was a beat for beat execution of George’s notes, white walkers invade, Jon unites the north and with Dani and they defeat them, march on kings landing, Dany descends into madness and burns down capitol, story over.

    If that’s really how it’s ultimately going to pan out, I can see GRRM not wanting to release it after seeing how fans disliked the ending. I think fans disliked the execution of the ending more, but I can also see how disheartening it would be to get a glimpse of how people would react to the ending of a story you’ve been writing for almost 30 years, and finding out that it’s almost unanimously hated.