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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • He has never given any indication that he did it for moral reasons

    Yes, hence why I referred to it as a stopped-clock moment, as in “a stopped clock is right twice a day”.

    I am not accusing Donald Trump of having any moral integrity.

    it bothers me less when the draft dodgers don’t openly mock service members and POWs.

    Nah, John “I hate the [slur for asians], I will hate them as long as I live.” Mccaine was a ghoul who is rotting in hell, everyone should be mocking him.

    On one hand, getting shot down stopped him from murdering more Vietnamese people, on the other hand, if Jane Fonda hadn’t shot him down, he’d have probably kept crashing planes.

  • Are there single-issue tiktok voters? Probably not. But democrats doing a thing that we all agreed was dumb under Trump does contribute to the sense that the democrats do not represent them, which decreases voter turnout.

    Similar to Biden escalating the trade war against China; there’s probably not “buy a chinese EV” single-issue voters, but making EVs unaffordable to the vast majority of Americans decreases voter turnout among people who didn’t want a trade war with China.

    Every time the democrats try to out-flank the republicans from the right, they’re effectively campaigning for the republicans.

  • It demotivates potential Democratic voters by reminding them that their party did the thing everyone was clowning on Trump for trying to do.

    For all his faults, Trump is better at reading the room than the democrats. When there’s an issue he doesn’t know shit about (this is most things), he’ll just say what the people in front of him want to hear, whereas the democrats have no problem saying and doing things that are incredibly unpopular among their base.

    I am looking forward to the day the only thing people write about Trump is that he’s still alive in Argentina

    The most on brand would be him flying a plane full of gold bullion to Cuba to avoid going to prison.

  • Korea

    The Korean War included the greatest retreat in US history, which was only stopped because we were fighting an enemy with barely any industrial capacity to resupply troops, or even supply them with enough radios, and we failed to achieve the objective of a unified Korea (letalone the bloodthirsty moron MacArthur’s objective of invading China and becoming the “ceasar of the east”).

    Kosovo, Yugoslavia

    We bombed a bunch of civilians, showed the world that our B2 stealth bomber could be shot down by 30 year old, man-portable AA. I’m still unsure what strategic use bombing embassies and apartments was.

    Greek civil war, Afghanistan Russian war, Arabian Israel wars

    America didn’t didn’t directly fight any of those.

    the war of 1812

    We lost that one, our objective was to take Spanish America, and we failed that. They also burned the whitehouse.

    WWI, WWII, Spanish American war

    Those the US did manage to achieve some of it’s objectives, but WWII was 80 years ago.

    American civil war, and the American revolution

    Those were primarily against other Americans.

  • What is the count of those vs. the number of surrendered Russians being treated well?

    There is no credible data.

    Which one is more likely to be in the news?

    Neither, I live in America, the news only intentionally covers Russian war crimes. I say intentionally, since I remember a CNN segment near the start of the invasion where armed Ukrainian soldiers jumped out of an ambulance in the background.

    The opposite would probably be true if I lived in Russia.

    Which one is more likely to be spread around by Russian bots?

    I assume it’s not Russian bots posting Ukrainian drone footage to the combat footage sub.

    Which will be more likely to be suppressed?

    Well I haven’t seen any news covering Ukrainian war crimes and I’ve seen plenty of news covering Russian war crimes, and I know it’s not because Ukraine isn’t doing any war crimes.

    The reverse would probably be true for someone living in Russia.