archomrade [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I’m not saying I won’t vote dem, I’m simply expressing dissent against some of their policies.

    People here act as if observations about a candidate are themselves votes, and if you make enough negative observations about the democrats it will directly cause their loss, but if you balance them with negative statements about the republicans, they will somehow cancel each other out. Worse, people here seem to give more weight to statements or observations about a candidate than the actual candidate themselves, as if nobody saying anything about the democrats doing something bad will prevent it from manifesting into reality.

  • In this instance I think anti-dem chatter on lemmy is more likely to chill youth turnout than it is to push the Democratic party leftward

    Not any more than protesting or demonstrating do (far, far less, if anything). If voicing dissent against unpopular reactionary policies ends up chilling enthusiasm, it isn’t voicing that dissent that’s doing it, it’s the reactionary policies. We’re not obligated to campaign for democrats or even temper our criticism when they’re defending and holding water for Israel as while they’re slaughtering Palestinians and reducing Gaza to rubble.

    I don’t claim to know what your worldview is but using a weird metaphor about forced sterilization to blame others of enabling reactionary political movements for voicing critique of - checks notes - reactionary democratic policy is certainly not in line with the life of virtue and praxis you’re describing.

    That’s a bummer though, I didn’t know that. I saw they were playing in Iowa in October and was thinking about driving down there for it. The same thing happened when I wanted to see Rage Against the Machine in 2021 - I’m not sure they’ll be going back on tour either.