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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2024


  • Yeah that’s what propaganda does. I could absolutely see that MAGA and uninformed people would fall for this tripe.

    BIDEN: I supported Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters.

    First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor – I mean, it’d be between the woman and the state.

    The idea that the politicians – that the founders wanted the politicians to be the ones making decisions about a woman’s health is ridiculous. That’s the last – no politician should be making that decision. A doctor should be making those decisions. That’s how it should be run. That’s what you’re going to do.

    And if I’m elected, I’m going to restore Roe v. Wade.

    TRUMP: So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth, because some states, Democrat-run, take it after birth. Again, the governor – former governor of Virginia: put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it.

    So he’s in – he’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby.

    Nobody wants that to happen. Democrat or Republican, nobody wants it to happen.