Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • but Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, can’t even get the mental health services he obviously needs


    I’d rather get healthcare at all. I’ve been too poor to afford any medical care at points in my life, I’d settle for even some low quality care as opposed to none at all and hoping that this new weird pain either is insignificant and goes away without issue, or it gently takes me out in the night.

    I’m excited to see where pirate medicine goes. I’ve met a trans woman who told me that her DIY HRT was life changing in the best possible way, and I can only dream of what would happen if people started making their own Insulin or T or whatever

  • I’m not familiar with taoism, and I do not understand the point you are trying to make. I’ve read the chapter on this site.

    I think you are talking about this paragraph:

    Therefore when Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is kindness. When kindness is lost, there is justice. When justice is lost, there is ritual. Now ritual is the husk of faith and loyalty, the beginning of confusion.

    I don’t get what you are trying to say. Are you saying that Li is Law (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_(neo-Confucianism)), or in the quote I have, ritual? Are you saying I’m an advocate for Justice in the sense of this quote? I think you are either misunderstanding me (I know I am not understanding what you are saying since it is unclear), or ascribing a set of values to anarchism that doesn’t line up with what I’m arguing in order to dismiss my argument.

    To be fully clear, I’m going to elaborate on what I’m saying. I’m giving a simple cause and effect statement here, not some moral justification. When there is a liberatory movement that threatens the power structure that enforces hierarchy that oppresses people, those in power will use their position to make the movement, threatening tactics/techniques of, or other things done by the people of the movement illegal, necessitating breaking the law to continue. Working within the shifting bounds of law is insufficient.

  • Yes, but since most people for whatever reason believe that you can fight the state only by the rules the state makes, you won’t be able to do anything about it.

    I agree. As an anarchist, I do not think following whatever rules the state makes will ever be sufficient for achieving any liberatory goals.

    They are doing this pretty intentionally. Tomorrow is always different from today. People have been complacent, while some other people perceptive of the future in a bad way have made plans for taking unprecedented power over societies.

    This is why I advocate for decentralizing power (and the dissolution of all hierarchies and hierarchic power structures). The last thing I want is a despot using the current mechanisms of power and centralize everything, and have such an absurd amount of power.

    You are saying this [cut quote about my advocacy of decentralization] as part of a discussion, but they are not discussing this with us. Public opinion won’t stop them. Only force will.

    I agree. Every single movement that has gone against a component of the government required either violence, or backed, credible threats of it. The government will never reduce its power to the benefit of the people, even if that policy is popular.

  • FOIA is great and all, and so are public records laws and disclosure laws.

    But the state is gonna state, and when push comes to shove, social media will be another tool to manufacture consent, break up movements, and preserve itself over the interest of the governed.

    I’m not concerned about the ability to FOIA shit about Twitter or Facebook’s algorithm, as much as I’d like to know about how it targets the content slop to its users. I’m concerned about how it will consolidate power into fewer hands, and how state sponsored social media will be abused. And I don’t think FOIA would ever reveal that if it happened.

  • Fuck nationalization of social media. Honestly, this is one of the worst ideas I’ve heard.

    The idea that giving the government a monopoly on the biggest data hoarders is somehow better than having the capitalists own it is mind-boggling.

    The government doesn’t need a warrant to search through its own data.

    The last thing we need is to give the state more power over our lives, more insight into our lives, and more control over the narratives we learn.

    Every time humans have centralized more power into fewer and fewer hands, nothing good comes from it. We need more decentralized forms of media, not more centralized forms.

  • I’m glad things are going well for you, and I don’t mean this in any sarcastic way or anything.

    Because my personal situation has been so good, should I assume that this is true for everyone in our country? Or should I be smart and recognize my personal experience is anecdotal and not representative of the whole economy? Should I blame the media too for reporting what’s actually happening?

    I get my personal experience isn’t the average. I also get that, while a better representation, knowing the experiences that my friends and family are having isn’t the average.

    My problem isn’t my experiences not matching the average. My issue is the metrics used by media are not a representation of average, and the pain of seeing these metrics show things are supposedly getting better where so many things around me are getting worse, at times in order to improve the metrics used by the media.

    My issues are twofold:

    I don’t think the metrics used by the media, ie the stock market, are wholly representative of whether or not things are going good for the average American. When things plummet, sure, I’d agree that’s a good metric, since companies will panic and then people will get screwed. But I don’t think markets doing well means things are doing well for the average American.

    Sure, the line might be going up, that’s good for some people, but there are many reasons why that could be happening that have no impact, or even a negative impact on the average person. For example, a new technology could have been discovered that lets workers do double the work. A company that fires half their staff will now be making more profit, since they are paying less in wages, and therefore their stock values will rise. Half of their employees were sacrificed on the altar of the stock market for those gains. To use a more recent and frequent example of something that fucked me over: tech layoffs. Tech companies will often purge a lot of employees when doing things like preparing for an acquisition, or immediately following one. Sometimes, they will just thin out their staff following a completed project, or something similar. This often has a positive impact on stocks, but a dire impact on workers.

    I also have an issue with the partisanship of the media and how the economy is presented to us differently based on who is in power and the bias of those, but that’s a whole new can of worms.

  • I genuinely don’t get how “Trump would have been forced to do the same though” even works as an excuse.

    Wouldn’t it be better off if biden risked his career to actually try and prevent the genocide from continuing? Wouldn’t it be better if he even took a small risk to try and actually prevent Netanyahu from crossing one of his many lines? Wouldn’t it be better if we learned from our mistakes in WWII and instead of appeasing the fascists, we did something about fascism? Netanyahu will not be pleased with only Gaza.

    To paint it as a necessity, ie “trump would have been forced to do the same,” is genuinely disgusting. This removes all agency the person in power had when they made the decisions that led up to this, and it removes the agency they have to fix this. To say the “most powerful man in the world” was forced to aid and abet a genocide is such a bullshit argument and I really wish people would just realize that.

    I think it’s the worst kind of pragmatism to consider it a necessity of geopolitics to just casually cleanse a people. That sort of thing is how you make the evils of this world palatable for people on the news.

  • Well, you are absolutely right that it doesn’t make it better lol. It’s like that “Well, it could be worse” thing people say. The people doing very well during the depression were doing so at the expense of everyone else. I wouldn’t say it’s a good thing for a parasite to be engorged on its host.

    I just hate how the media acts like everything is peachy and good as I see another mass layoff knowing my contract won’t be renewed. While I get that this is not at all representative, I did see a big industry fire so many people after record profits.

    Where I live, I’ve been seeing a lot of people struggling to get groceries and shit while the market boomed, as supermarkets made record profits. I applied to many hundreds of jobs during a hiring shortage, and I have a few friends who applied to more.

    I get these metrics aren’t supposed to represent me, but they do not represent the world around me either. If not that, then who is it supposed to represent?

    And to be told that “Bidenomics is good for the economy” might be factual based on these metrics, but to see all those good lines go up and bad lines go down and see everyone around me struggle is super fucking dissonant, and to get that level of gaslighting is a bit insulting.

    The economy is complete bullshit and isn’t a metric of the average either.