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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • This is how the world can finally come together. We can create a New Old Australia, using the island-building techniques the Chinese government have been trying to develop but instead using it for the benefit of all. Literally no one wants these assholes. Let’s make them their own giant sand island and send them there. No Aborigines or any other nativelanders need be displaced like in the past. We just… Eject them to Billionaire Island and tell them they’ve entered the final level of capitalism, they are allowed no outside resources and must establish for themselves (brilliant and enterprising and egotistical as we reassure them they are) how to become the Ultimate Capitalist. Tell them it’s even televised. Then if they ever get too noisy we obviously need a way to forcibly erode the island etc. Engineers can figure out the details.

  • I thought her speech did a good job outlining some important parts of her vision for the future and her policy initiatives. She spoke about making strides to protect women’s rights (and keeping government out of doctors’ offices), she spoke in favor of supporting union efforts, all while still making a point to point out Trump’s deficiencies as a candidate without focusing on him longer than needed. There was a lot of inclusive language, just look at how much she used words like “we” and “us”.

    I’m working off an admittedly not-amazing memory here but I recall a very inclusive, welcoming speech that mentioned Trump mostly by contrast and to state the obvious in regards to him being the opponent and and bad option. She called for universal health care, for crying out loud. In explicit words, she said we all deserve it. She didn’t focus on policy or the future? What?