• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Look, I was skeptical too, especially when she ran in 2020, but look into her actual record. Or at least watch DL Hugelys speech from last night if not. There is a lot of misinformation about what she actually has done in her career.

    Additionally, it’s important to recognize that there are people who are approaching our border seeking anmnesty because they fear for their lives and at the same time people who are trafficking our fellow humans and leaving them in trucks to die.

    The bipartisan deal was supported by everyone because there is a legitimate crisis. The crisis is not the people seeking amnesty, as Trump would have you believe, but people trying to take advantage of the fact that we are so busy screening legitimate asylum seekers that we cannot catch the bad actors.

    That’s why it’s important to have the option to close the border before our border agents are at a level that they can no longer effectively do their job because there are whole semi trucks worth of people who have died being trafficked across the border.

    Additionally, that’s is just one piece of the border bill, which also includes things like more jobs for people so that more asylum seekers can be processed, better use of technology to detect people trying to traffic others across the border at non official ports and actual things that WILL improve the situation we have unlike that stupid wall.

    This bill has the potential to save the lives of migrants. Trump killed it for political reasons.

  • I watched the entire DNC, all 4 nights. I didn’t explicitly mean to, but it was so engrossing and informative. The old guard has finally passed the torch and there were so many killer moments that my enthusiasm has surpassed even Obama 08 levels. I am signing up to do some phone banking at least. I’ve not done it before but the website said they will train us so I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. I’m in a red state but nothing is impossible unless we just don’t try.

  • What makes you think people are “forcing” them to do this?

    You’ve now made it absolutely clear that you are just yet another anti-trans bigot who is pretending to want a conversation, but instead is just trying to weasel your abhorrent views into the public discourse.

    You have failed, and everyone here sees through your bullshit.

    You are what is wrong with discourse, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Side note to anyone else reading this: it’s SUPER easy to block people like this on lemmy and there really aren’t as many of these chodes as you’d think - I generally only have to block one or so a month and it makes things a whole lot less contentious once you realize you can just block people who are arguing that their hatred is somehow acceptable.