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Cake day: April 8th, 2024


  • Another laziness by the professors is using book questions instead of just writing their own.

    When I taught I told my students that the book was a resource for studying the material from a different perspective than the one I gave in lectures. Not actually required for the course even though I didn’t have control over it being listed as required on the course listing. And I told them if they wanted to get it, they should find the cheapest copy they could. I’ve heard you can sometimes find very cheap electronic copies (wink wink).

    It is funny to see the questions you write end up on Chegg though.

  • Since you seem willing to engage in discourse about this, I feel similarly to the person you replied to and can explain my position. I don’t want to discourage anyone from voting, I have two goals:

    1. Don’t concede the White House to Trump
    2. Fight back against the Democratic Party’s efforts to reduce the voice of the people.

    I’m guessing we agree on #1 and disagree on the premise of #2. I see #2 as a systemic pattern that really launched after the 2008 primaries when Obama disrupted the plan to place Hillary in the White House. It came to a head in 2016 and has been rippling ever since.

    I never believed Joe should have run again in the first place, and in the last month it became clear that him running was detrimental to #1. So we push for him to step aside, while I still think he shouldn’t have run in the first place. He steps down, and you feel satisfied because goal #1 is protected. But I’m deeply unsettled by the damage that has been done to #2. The Democrats just figured out how to skip the voice of the people entirely.

    The last time this happened (1968 primaries, eerily similar) the Democrats launched a committee to reform the primary process into what it is today. A big improvement over what it was before, but Biden just revealed a significant weakness in it.

    I’m happy to vote for Harris to fulfill #1, I’m thrilled that there was a surge in registrations. But if the Democrats don’t address the critical problem of this process we all just witnessed, I fear #2 becomes unreachable. The Democrats are our only hope of saving our democracy, so if they abandon democracy within their party (like I have seen happening over the last 16 years), it’s a hollow victory.

  • Looks like we’re back in full “you can’t criticize the Democrats at all or you’re a Russian troll” territory. I hate this sycophancy.

    I’m with you on this one. The Democrats have been skirting democracy to the best of their ability for years. I’m glad we’ve got a better chance of defeating Trump now, but I’m unwilling to concede the democratic process of nominating candidates. If we celebrate this fucked up process instead of holding their feet to the fire, they’re just going to learn that actually they don’t need to bother involving the people at all. We cannot give a single inch to the plutocrats at the top.

  • I feel like this speech was unnecessary. It only made me feel worse. I need the Democrats, and especially Biden, to stop soapboxing about “saving democracy” and “presidents are not kings” when they literally just skipped the democratic part of choosing a nominee for it to be handed down like a crown.

    In fact, I’d feel a lot better if they apologized for it and told us how they were going to stop it from happening in the future.

    Edit: wow, y’all really freak out at any suggestion of wrongdoing by the Democrats. I’d suggest looking backwards at how we ended up with the current primary process. 1968 Democratic primaries. The Democrats recognized the problem then and introduced reform, why is that such an outlandish thing to ask for now?

  • We did not have a real primary, incumbency primaries are always just going through the motions without real challenge. Had Biden chosen to do the right thing and not seek reelection in the first place, we would have had a real primary. As it stands, we will have the first nominee since 1968 to win the nomination without a single vote from the people.

    That year was such a disaster that it resulted in the creation of the current system of national binding primaries. The fact that our system is so fragile that the voice of the people can still so easily be skipped is extremely problematic. This situation demands reform or else the Democrats can take advantage of this anytime they want to avoid hearing what the people want.

  • I’m glad he dropped out, I feel like we actually have a shot in November. But with his endorsement of Kamala, which makes sense since she will face the fewest legal and logistical issues of any replacement, the Democrats have corrupted an incredibly important milestone if we do win. The first woman to be POTUS, the first woman of color to be POTUS, will have a tarnished legacy since she skipped the primary process (and skipped out in 2020 before any votes were even cast).

    That’s three incredibly ill-handled presidential primaries in a row. Do better, Democrats.