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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • are they ready to put viable third party on a ballot? Right now labeling Democrats as War party says nothing. BOTH patties are War parties. Difference is Democrats somewhat care about what people say whereas Republicans care o ly about their agenda. Sending voters away from Democrats at this stage will not end war or help anyone. It is clear that Israel has enough influence over both major US parties and weapon shipments will continue. Politics is cruel: Democrats surely did the math and calculated how much will they lose on dropping Israel support from agenda. They also know Republicans will steamroll over protests and supply the same or larger amount of weaponry to Israel. So it’s a cynical math but just like Ukraine was earlier hostage to US politics Palestine now is at mercy of US election cycle and has to wait until after election when, if elected; Democrats can afford to piss of pro-Israeli groups. Republicans started that game, Dems are carrying it on. I’m also surprised that middle east cannot outspend Israel in US lobbying on behalf of Palestine. There are some of the richest countries in the world in that area. People should not die. Period. But politicians care about election cycles more. 🙁

  • fighting or not they have all lined up behind POTUS45 even if previously they criticized him etc. At the time when left is dilly-dallying and builds up “resistance centers”. Look, all the pro-Gazan declarations with conditional support for Biden is a waste of air as as soon as POTUS45 will grab his POTUS47 title it’s game over and they will have no recourse, and more likely than not public protests will get slowly outlawed. Look North of the border for examples of how it’s done (Alberta, Canada)… so no matter what they do nothing is going to change now the only differentiator is that Biden may listen whereas POTUS45 absolutely will not.

  • conspiracy theorist in me sees several venues where it is Very beneficial to POTUS45 to stage this:

    • finally come out as victim
    • frame Biden/CIA/FBI as villains
    • come out as “defiant” hero and rally support to the point where it’s a landslide win, where he would be able to go after anybody and anything he doesn’t like.

    more wicked stuff comes to mind but I think above is sufficient . Fact that bullet grazed him and nobody around him in a tight setting is kind of strange, with his bravado on display with fist shaking. One can only dream for this election campaign video to be run on repe 24/7 on fox and other outlets, giving him more air time, and now that Biden asked everyone to read project2025 entire nation will be watching nothing but POTUS45. Still could be some morron that didn’t get his signature at the rally pulling out his Beretta…