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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t think that’s their fault. They specifically addressed a two party system in multiple writings (they didn’t like it) in addition to explicitly stating that they expected future generations to update the constitution as necessary to protect the republic from those who would seek to undermine or replace it. We didn’t heed their warnings and now here we are.

    To be clear, I don’t think the framers were infallible or able to see all possibile challenges that our nation would face. However, they seem to have been pretty damn good at learning from history and that’s something modern Americans are absolutely abysmal at. For all their faults they have a lot to teach us in that respect.

  • I’ve been wondering the same thing for a long time now. People seem so excited to see Harris “beat” Trump in a debate but it’s obvious that will never happen in any meaningful sense. Trump’s supporters are clearly not using any traditional (or rational) metric to evaluate his public speaking and people who don’t support Trump will only find things to nitpick Harris on. I don’t see the upside for Harris unless she knocks it out of the park and that’s such a stupid situation to be in considering the obvious disparity in the quality of these two candidates.

  • Some people on lemmy say one thing, then there’s other people on lemmy that say the complete opposite. How can you ever trust anything you read on here when there’s no consistency in what everyone is saying?

    Why is it so weird to you that there is more than one opinion present on the internet? You could have seen that and concluded that Lemmy isn’t as homogeneous as you thought it was but for some reason you decided to interpret it as a conspiracy to deceive you. Not gonna lie, that seems pretty fucking crazy to me.

  • I watched the video of Obama’s speech on yt last night. Great speech, but what struck me most was how many obvious bot accounts were trying to spread negative messaging about Democrats in the comments.

    Now yt comment sections aren’t exactly known for being a great place to discuss things but I’ve never seen that amount of blatant astroturfing all in one place. I scrolled through over a hundred of the top comments and 80% were from accounts with the “firstname-lastname-4digit#” type of username and little or no account activity aside from comments. This was 3 hours after the video was originally posted.

    We really need to address bot activity on the internet because people are way too easily swayed by stuff like that. We’re making it almost trivial for bad actors to control the narrative in ways that are not good for society.