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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


    • She definitely needled him. I knew when she talked about all of the inane nonsense he talks about at his rallies and how he exhausts his own supporters so much they leave early during his 90 minute long ramblings that that would piss him off to no end, and sure enough all he could do after that was brag about his rallies and claim no one goes to her rallies. That being said, why in God’s name did ABC let him get the last word on. Every. Single. Talking point? No matter who was talking first, no matter the subject, no matter how off course he was taking the topic, he’d start whining after she finished talking and they’d turn his mic back on and give him more time. If I’m not mistaken they gave him an extra rebuttal one time then tried to restrict Kamala from responding back until she insisted so much that they relented and then they STILL gave Trump another minute to give the last word again! What the hell was that? Tell the fat orange fuck “no”, follow the rules and move on! If he wants to whine about her words, he can eat up time from the next question doing that. Don’t give him more of platform to spout lies unchallenged. He has plenty of that already.

  • JD Vance’s campaign said he “doesn’t believe in guilt-by-association cancel culture”

    It’s not like they are just guys who happen to know each other like they are in the same bowling league. And it is not like he invited the guy on to talk about the weather and then he went off on a whole Nazi tangent of his own accord. Tucker knew who he was, liked the things he says, and invited him on his show to specifically spread his words to his audiences. He intentionally platformed a Nazi. That is not “guilt-by-association”. That is guilt-by-your-own-actions. Also known as guilt, and full on Nazi shit.

  • “If you peel back the onion, what you find is that the businesses that are most connected and most devoted to destroying our values are also benefiting financially from it,”

    JD Vance learning in real time that the social moralizing and virtue signaling of ideas like Pride, diversity, acceptance and inclusion, etc.(i.e. “destroying our values”) of massive corporations is 100% market tested strategy to get you to buy their products. What a revelation, JD!

    Wait until you realize that the giant corporations that moralize conservative ideals have exactly as much to do their true ideals and are actually just as motivated by profit as the lefty corporations that you hate. If gays became the biggest buyers of Ford F150’s tomorrow, I can guarantee you that by the following weekend you would see ads with rainbow-clad lifted trucks cruising down the street in a pride parade. The rustic working class rural cowboy aesthetic they appeal to is fan service, JD. They are attempting to secure their market demographic, JD. It has fuck all to do with the ideals of the wealthy Ivy League business school CEO or corporate chairpeople that have never so much as put on a pair of work boots, let alone driven a fence post or loaded a truck bed full of cow feed, or whatever.

    I welcome the newfound skepticism of corporate motivations and dislike of multinational conglomerates seizing power and control of our economies and governments. I encourage more of it. But, dude. You gotta get your head out of your ass and see the big picture, and it’s not “woke Oreos”.

  • The authority on blackness is… checks notes… Anne Coulter… Hmm. Hey conservative media, could you not even find a token black conservative to make this stupid argument? Or did you fire them all as DEI hires?

    Well, while we are at it, Annie. Pray tell. Are you under the impression that Black folks are native to Jamaica and that they aren’t the descendents of Africans brought to the America’s in the slave trade, just like those in the US? Are you not also aware that Jim Crow laws and other forms of racial discrimination do NOT discriminate on whether your ancestors were slaves, but only on your skin color and other racial features? Did you know that both black and non-black immigrants and children of immigrants face prejudice and discrimination? Did you know that Affirmative Action wasn’t about apologizing for slavery but a means to correct ongoing discrimination in education and hiring over a century after emancipation in the US, and that it wasnt limited to just black people or non-white people as a single unit? Did you know that you are a moronic hateful emaciated scarecrow woman who shouldn’t have a so much as a letter to the editor published, let alone a constant national platform? Did you know that Anne?