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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Republicans absolutely will do something if it benefits them. We can safely assume current filibuster rules benefit them otherwise they would have removed them themselves already. Dems do actually stand on tradition (which is why they haven’t eliminated the filibuster even though it would greatly benefit them), often to their own detriment and I would say it’s far more likely that they are actully concerned about norms (I would say overly so) when they’re hesitant to do something like impeach justices.

  • She could start by dropping out of the race, endorsing Kamala, and then putting every dollar she has into organizing for national ranked choice voting so that hopefully once in my life I can vote my conscience at the same time I vote pragmatically.

    I sincerely doubt there is much room between where Stein is at on the issues and where AOC is at on the issues - the main difference is that AOC is not running for president and making it easier for despicable people who don’t care about anything to win.