I distinctly remember my last time in a Circuit City. I don’t recall the date, but I’m going to say it was circa 2006. I had purchased a Nintendo Wii at one of CC’s competitors but the competitor did not have any suitable Game Cube controllers. So I went over to Circuit City to see what they had since they were essentially in the same shopping complex. In a surprising turn of events, they actually did have Game Cube controllers in stock, they had the style/brand I was hoping for, and the price was actually reasonable.
They had dozens of employees out in the various sections of the store, at least one per department. There were a plethora of customers. However, they had literally 1 cash register open. The line was backed up into the aisles. I am pretty sure I waited 45 minutes just to check out with this one single item, and that’s only because the customer service manager came over after about 40 minutes and offered to check out anybody with only 1 or 2 items.
Might be a complete surprise to the former corporate overlords, but for some odd reason I decided never to go back after that.
You see a feral cat injured in the road so you rush over to see if you can help. Despite your good intentions, it delivers a deluge of deep scratches and medically significant puncture wounds from a few well-placed bites.
Perhaps you feel the cat owes you an apology since your intentions were good and you had hoped to be its friend. I would argue if you expected an apology then you were clearly delusional or willfully ignorant, either way not a good thing.
I suppose what I’m saying is, good luck on getting a sincere apology National Black Farmers Association.