• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • “We don’t want this for our country,” he said of Democratic policies. “That’s why I’m doing this. I don’t like doing this.”

    Donald Trump on running for president: ‘I don’t like doing this’

    Which one is it?

    I’m sick of words being twisted for clicks and narrative enforcement. It’s clear, as this article has quoted him, that he’s doesn’t like what Democratic policies have done to the country and that he needs to run for president to fix them. He is not saying he doesn’t want to be president.

    I’m tired of the lack of reading comprehension among grown adults across this increasingly stupid country.

    Can we please vote this fucker out of relevancy so we can get back to human progress?

  • I don’t know if people so much disagree about it as much as some people just don’t want any (brown) immigrants at all. Mostly, this is because of the propaganda and hate mongering spewed by right wing media and political leaders causing people to be fearful of immigrants taking their jobs, raping them, and [sighs] eating their pets.

    The issue is that this country is so racist and xenophobic that it’s entirely ignoring real solutions. Immigration reform requires greater investment in border patrol and courts as well as helping other countries reduce the problems causing people to seek asylum. It’s not just the southern border that needs help. I know people from European countries and Canada emigrating to the US who have waited staggeringly long times to become US citizens. The whole system needs help.

    We could be doing good. We could be embracing the most American thing ever and welcoming and helping people to be their best selves. We need to overcome our stereotypical beliefs and get to know each other as human beings without borders dividing us.

  • They’re rightfully attacking you because you started the thread by making yourself the story.

    To cut through the nonsense and save everyone time, especially since many in this community have a habit of resorting to personal attacks when responding to my posts recently

    I don’t know who you are. I clicked on this post to read about the context of the story. Instead, the first thing I read is some annoying cry baby monologue about you, as if you matter.

    You are doing exactly the opposite of cutting through nonsense and saving me time.

    So what if you have an agenda? Everyone posting something has a perspective or reason why they’re posting it. If you continue to get downvoted or your posts are removed, perhaps this isn’t the sub for you to post this content. Otherwise, just let people read the story without adding your own commentary about yourself. If you want to add context to the story, do it about the story, not you or your post history.

    Anyway, I’m going to go ahead and block you being that you seem more concerned with your own ego than the news you’re pretending to care about. It’s not beneficial to me.

  • I should edit my comment and add “post rage bait”.

    You’re absolutely right. I’d describe myself similarly to you. I even created a local community here for my city. But it feels like I’m speaking quietly on top of a mountain while the nearest person is a time zone away. Perhaps a handful of people would stop by and subscribe to the content but this isn’t about subscribing - it’s about engaging. Communities are about exchanging ideas. Posting something that compels people to engage is one way to increase activity. As more people notice the community, they’ll be more likely to engage when there’s enough noise around that doesn’t single them out too much.

    The major social platforms know this. This is why they promote trash over quality information. This is why I get frustrated on Instagram because it continues to show me posts from two or three days ago notifying me that I missed an exciting event.

    You can post all the great informative content you want on your little corner of the fediverse but without engagement, is it really there?

  • By permitting advertising.

    “Normies” are not “microbloggers”. Most people just want to follow what their friends and family and news organizations and “influencers” are posting.

    My biggest gripe with the fediverse (indirectly) is that all the information I would get on Twitter about my city is not available to me - concert announcements, restaurant specials, road closures, major news, hobby meetups, etc. They’re posting on Facebook and Instagram (which is IMO the worst of all social platforms) and slowly adopting Threads. My issue with these platforms is mostly regarding the algorithm deciding what it thinks you want. This is driven by advertising.

    Twitter didn’t really pick up steam until celebrities and news outlets were posting and engaging on the platform. Then they pushed hard for ads to increase revenue and expand features and stability (for better or worse). Then they just got greedy. Then they were sold for the dumbest amount of money in the history of sales.

    Getting normies here means getting influencers here. Influencers want to make money for being assholes. If you don’t want influencers and ads here, don’t ask for the normies to come. Accept the beauty of this micro micro blogging platform. If you want to share outside the open fediverse, embrace cross posting to the closed platforms. That’s kind of the whole point of it. You can post in your tiny little corner while still engaging with the more popular platforms.

    TL;DR: be careful what you wish for.

  • Ugh. Not a fan of podcasts for articles. I’ll check back when there’s a transcript.

    Anyway, although I haven’t read Project 2025, from what I have heard, it’s all very familiar Republican talking points. They’ve been pushing towards strict constitutionalism where anything not in the constitution is given to the states - such as dept of ed which Regan ran his campaign in opposition of. “Welfare and education are two functions that should be primarily carried out at the state and local levels.” https://archive.is/xW7RI

    I’m definitely interested in reading more about the “roots”.

  • I guess that’s it.
    I mean, it’s not a trick question. I genuinely want to know.

    I don’t have a problem with people being passionate about topics. It’s important. It’s also important to be somewhat informed or at least able to pull rational facts before you go on about something. And it’s important to understand you’ll never know everything going on about a subject or in the minds of others from your keyboard. Don’t let your emotions blind you - allow them to propel your curiosity and intellectual growth.

  • Ok… that’s a wholly unsubstantiated opinion from some random nobody. Is this a joke?

    As I sit on @AOC lying about Harris ‘working tirelessly towards a ceasefire’, the angrier I get. It’s not just a lie, it is complete historical and moral revisionism meant to cleanse Harris of any and all culpability in the genocide of the Palestinians.

    But there’s more.

    AOC is ostensibly speaking to young progressives when she says this — meaning she is weaponizing that positionality to bring votes for a woman who’s done nothing but back Israel & its genocide. And if Harris is ‘working tirelessly towards a ceasefire’ - then what has she been doing for the past ten months, as second in command?

    What does Harris as VP have the power to do or not do…?

    The Democrats are unwilling & unable to approach this contradiction because it dismantles Harris as a capable candidate. Jayapal told me she had just spoken to Harris that day (Saturday) that I spoke to her. There is no ‘tireless work towards a ceasefire’ happening with Harris.