This reads like it’s supposed to chill the readers, not tell them who is starting to shut up and take it.
Anyone else notice that? Or am I hallucinating
This reads like it’s supposed to chill the readers, not tell them who is starting to shut up and take it.
Anyone else notice that? Or am I hallucinating
According to my ex, resting bitchface is a common symptom of ASD. Or at least that’s what she blames her own resting bitchface on.
This doesn’t look quite like resting bitchface. This looks like disgust. But what she’s disgusted over probably has nothing to do with whatever we speculate she’s actually thinking.
I mean you get to trade one authoritarian government for another, just the other is super densly populated, polluted to all hell, and speaks a language you probably don’t know. I mean, I guess China has their similarities to Silicon Valley, NYC, Chicago, etc.
That was the lie they tried.
That Iraq was storing weapons of mass destruction and coordinating with Al-Queda. It didn’t make a lot of sense to anyone, but dissenting opinions were immediately called treasonous so people went with it. Or maybe not went with it- more like they didn’t know what the crap to do and shrugged.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It was just something Bush wanted to finish fucking up something his dad started and a bunch of rich people made a lot of money because of Cheney’s influence on it.
Somehow, a huge amount of people hate thinking. Like it’s painful or like exertion or something. Anything that can just give them what they want is better.
It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. They just want an answer. They don’t want to know why, or how, they want to know now.
It’s the shortcut to knowledge all the ancient parables warned us about. Instead of physically destroying your mind, it stops it from working at all.
Ive been far too optimistic in the past.
I think shutting down the government is a great idea. People won’t work if they don’t get paid. A week or two? Maybe. A month? Less likely. But beyond that? No way.
But that’s the part I can’t be optimistic about. The DNC will reason “it’s better that the government keeps running so those employed by the government can keep their source of income.” Meanwhile the government workers are paid to destroy the government.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what Trump wants.
He’ll argue (or will be told to argue rather) that the constitution mandates that Congress does this job. He’ll then use that as an excuse to dissolve congresss by means of the supreme court.
I always see that one and think “goddamn they’d kill me because I’d never remember the password after the drugs hit, and the more they hit me the less I’ll be able to focus and remember”
Crime, unfortunately.
Money laundering is done to “clean” illegal profit (hence the name). Say your business sells a bit of a meth precursor to a high school chemistry teacher for more than it would legally. You need a way to explain the extra money, and a way to explain where than precursor went.
Things that this won’t protect: sex work, drug dealing, hawking stolen goods. Things this will protect: owning a building where you were unaware every tenant was a sex worker, running logistics company that some bad apples on the exact same routes always carried packages of cocaine, or selling artifacts smuggled out of foreign countries.
Regardless if the Republicans are active in the system or not, it would still take decades and restructuring of our system to regain any trust. We’d need laws and enforcement of them to prevent ideologues from wrangling power through already illegal mechanisms.
While we could do that at any point, you can count on Americans voting like drunk Puritans.
Yeah, Cloud Console would probably suck less too
They had a commander in chief that supported them. So long as they kept their word, he did
Tiananmen Square had like 1.5m people at one point. Thousands hurt or killed. But that was just army tanks and soldiers.
They didn’t have any of the fancy dispersal shit they do now.
Plus if there were ever a march the size of the March on Washington, they’d close access to DC.
No bridge crossings, no ferries, no subways.
That’s not what that Firefox thing was about at all.
Keith Ellison: “Hehehehe.”
Ah, PMCs. PMCs are probably just as bad if not worse than brown-shirt like paramilitary, because they get paid to not have morals, and are usually far more coordinated and dangerous.
They’re still soulless, brainless thugs, but motivated by easy money rather than pure ideology.
It’s quite possible that the tech bro brought them with. The sheriff not doing shit though? That’s a concern.
What a horrible time to have eyes
Man I have to pick up parts I ordered Friday. Maybe I’ll get lucky and they arrive early
IP cameras more likely. USB Webcams don’t talk over IP.