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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2024


  • I hated that attack line so much. It was about an optional benefit that my representative wanted to add for Medicare recipients, a voluntary consultation on living wills. This had been requested by the AARP. Sarah Palin latched onto it, lied that it would press people into ending their lives, lied that it would be mandatory, lied, lied, lied, and lied some more. It really demonstrates how much Sarah Palin was a large part of the Republican Party’s descent into Trumpism, though you could also trace that back to Reagan’s lies about “welfare queens”.

  • you can’t shout fire in a crowded theater if there is no fire

    This SCOTUS case has been largely overturned. It’s from Schenck v. United States, a case involving people distributing fliers to draft age men during WW1 encouraging them to resist the draft. The ruling was narrowed in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) to only allow free speech restrictions based on imminent harm, not just making the government a little uncomfortable.

    The specific example of causing a stampede in a crowded theater could be criminalized as imminent harm. Speaking of that specific scenario, apparently it had come up because there had been multiple deadly stampedes in crowded theaters from false alarms. I wonder if now we would not have that. People have been trained from childhood to evacuate a building in an orderly fashion.

  • There aren’t enough resources, at least not yet. The Portland metro area passed a levy in 2020 that is collecting hundreds of millions of dollars per year to fund services for homeless people. This includes build outs of various types of short term housing, preventative measures like rent assistance, and mental health services. There are resources and people do get out of homelessness.

    There are also related efforts like just building more affordable housing, such as the large hollywoodHub project near a light rail station. A stabilization of housing prices should help people avoid becoming homeless to begin with. Just avoiding homelessness can be huge because a period of homelessness can a lasting impact. For example, one person in an article was discussing developing an addiction to sleep medication that she was using because sleeping in a tent is absurdly stressful.

    My beef isn’t with someone where they tried and the system failed them. My beef is when the system is actively trying to help them, like when there are people specifically for helping them access housing and services, and they refuse help. It’s the whole “your fist ends where my nose begins” principle, having freedoms doesn’t mean being an unlimited license to acquire common spaces that people need to use.