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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • As to not having the mics cut as a tactic so that Trump’s bullying idiocy is on full display, I disagree. The idea that his ape-like behaviour is somehow a secret after nine years of his bullshit schtick is somewhat doubtful.

    For comparison purposes, you need Harris’ intelligent and reasoned argument immediately followed by Trump’s bellowing laundry list of personal gripes, off-mark name calling, ridiculous lies and tangential remarks about sharks, electric cars and Hannibal Lector…

    Then, once again, to be sharply contrasted by Harris’ calm and normal description of her politics.

    As fascinating as it to watch this Buffoon yelling and screaming on stage, no one will hear what Harris has to say and there will be plenty watching her for the first time waiting to hear.

    Edit: Turns out that the Harris campaign wants live mics, so what do I know?

  • I agree that Trump is evil. But in a democracy, people are permitted to vote how they like. That the fucking point of it. If your view prevails don’t complain if the other side gets in and decides to ‘other’ you. You have to be fine with that, because that’s what you are promoting.

    I don’t know if you have heard the British singer, Billy Bragg? He’s quite famous as a anti-Tory lefty. Great singer too. He wrote a song called ‘Full English Brexit’ and it was quite compassionate about trying to understand his ideological enemies . These people are being hurt by late stage capitalism. They can be uneducated, low information and bewildered. Hucksters have been taking advantage of their weaknesses for generations. Othering them will not change their mind. Reaching out is your only hope. Harris has that capacity if she gets a chance. I’m not a huggy huggy hippie, but this problem will not go away with more hate. That’s been done for nine years now and the other guys are better at mindless hate than we are.