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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • You know, I ain’t mad.

    Dude was crazy. Did something horrible (regardless of the horrible person he directly targeted, and he did harm two other people). Was in supervision and treatment for decades.

    Why the fuck should anyone care if he’s trying to do something with what’s left of his life? If he had gone to jail, I’d say he served his time, and that’s the end of it.

    He Was in supervised release at first, and hasn’t caused any trouble since.

    Fuck it, let the man have a life. If we can’t give someone the chance to have changed after over thirty years, we’re all fucked. I’m not the same man I was at 25. I’m not the same man I was at 40. Mind you, I didn’t try to kill a president, but I was deep enough in the PTSD cycle that I’m kind of amazed I didn’t try something that insane. Gods know that I did my own dance with self destructive shit, and that included chasing more trauma sometimes.

    Give people a chance to be better.

  • Yah, that would be a great solution in comparison, but it’s still privacy invasive. Not as bad, but it’s still not giving people due process.

    Which, not everywhere in the world recognizes that principle as a right, I am aware. But I do consider due process a right, and scanning anything on anyone’s devices without a legally justifiable reason is a violation of that.

    I’m not willing to kowtow to a moral panic and just ignore the erosion of privacy “because the children”. And it is a moral panic. As bad as it is, as much as I personally would enjoy five minutes alone with someone that’s making or using kiddie porn of any stripe, it simply isn’t such a common thing that stripping everyone of their privacy, in any way is acceptable.

    They wanna figure out a way to target individuals suspected of that kind of crime, awesome. Untargeted, sweeping invasions simply are not acceptable, and I do not care what the purported reason of the week is; kiddie porn, terrorism, security, stopping drugs, I do not care. I have committed no crime, and refuse to give away the presumption of innocence for myself or anyone else.

  • You’re young. It really was a thing. It never stayed up long, and they found ways to make it essentially instantaneous, but there was a time it was easy to find very unpleasant things on Facebook, whether you wanted to or not. Gore in specific was easy to run across at one point. CP, it was more offers to sell it.

    They fixed it, and it isn’t like that now, but it was a problem in the first year or two.

  • Eh, I don’t personally care.

    But it could lead to nastiness as lemmy expands. If enough people go to the trouble of looking it up, you get some of them being assholes because people are prone to being assholes. That leads to drama. Drama leads to nastiness and worse things sometimes.

    If that’s going to be part of how lemmy works, so be it, I’m way too old to skip using a block list for assholes. But it might bite federated services in the ass, so it probably should be on the list to get implemented.

  • Tbh, while the split you’re proposing would be nice, I think the prevalence of various hard and soft paywalls is so high that the “free” version would be kinda useless. It isn’t like lemmy as a whole isn’t used to bypassing paywalls and/or using extensions that block popups.

    I’ve had no issues with the bot as is. It’s actually a really useful bot as-is.

    But, if whoever is curating the bot wants to do the extra work, it would be broly as hell of them.