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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • I view conservatism as a kind of nostalgia for how the world was when we were too young to understand it. Conservatives are generally frightened by the complexities of society, frightened by change because they don’t know where that change comes from and they don’t understand how that change can improve things. They want a simple world with simple rules, so they rely on religion, authoritarian leaders or any social order that will treat them like children because deep down they don’t want to be responsible adults.

    So that might be coherent with you point that they are self centered: like young children, they think of themselves first and never really grow up to realize that they are part of a world where they need to coexist with diverse people.

    That being said, if conservatives like Cheney announce they will vote for Harris, it can only help: maybe it will convince other Republicans to do the same. But I don’t see this as a change of allegiance for Cheney, she’s still Republican.

  • Thanks for the links!

    In the first report (the one from the GAO), it says that the DOD provided equipment to countries between 2018 and 2021 and that those countries used it to intimidate diplomats from the US, and more generally that the equipment was not used as intended. The report makes 5 recommendations to the defense secretary, 3 of which currently in the way of being applied by the DOD.

    The second reference, if I understand it correctly, tries to analyze the efficiency of US military aid, and states that even though this aid might not be as efficient as we think, is still useful to the president of the US as some kind of PR tool - it gives the impression the US is doing something. The last reference is a book on Amazon that I can’t read nor browse.

    I agree with you that the United States’ policy record with regards to South American countries is awful in many ways and has been for at least 50 years. But I don’t see how the articles you cited are related to Kamala Harris immigration record. Furthermore I don’t see how they are related to her job as a vice president or as a senator.

  • They have a conscience, they have empathy, it’s just that they only do for their friends, families or people in their social circles.

    Most people act like this. There are people working in terrible conditions in Bangladesh or China to create stuff the western countries buy at Walmart, forever 21, Amazon… Where’s the empathy for them? Where’s the empathy for the guy that lost his job 6 months ago and has been sleeping in a tent since, and only got 75 cents after 2 hours of panhandling?

    Individually, we can’t help everyone so we often look the other way. That doesn’t make us psychopaths.

    Furthermore, saying rich people have mental illness frames the problem as a psychological one when in reality it is a socio-economic problem that requires a political solution.

  • And the hell of it is that the ruling class is so far gone in corruption and shallow self-interest - so sincerely deeply mentally ill - that they don’t recognize that ultimately they’re working against their own interests

    I come across this sort of comment more and more - the fact that sociopath billionaires extending their influence to the political and judicial system are, in fact, mentally ill.

    Believe me, they’re not.

    They know very well what they are doing. It’s just that their wealth isolates them from the consequences of it. They don’t care about healthcare, climate change, education, unemployment, because that’s for the 95% to worry about. They are rich enough to don’t give a fuck, and they feel safe doing so.