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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I’m really going against the grain from lemmy. Trump certainly did not win, but Harris lost.

    Trump performed as expected, rambled and lied, but we can all be honest in saying this affected his polling very little. I think the best (or worst depending on who you are voting for) case scenario is if this dog / goose thing ends up being true and Trump can ride that wave of calling every other correction false and in control of his enemies (before anyone says it, I refuse to believe the word of one politician over another, I want hard proof it is happening or hard proof it is not).

    Kamala lost though. Trump got her a few times especially at the beginning. She also most definitely fucked herself over shilling for Israel and oil / fracking. She is definitely pushing the young vote away and into the green party territory which will impact her where it counts. She also brought up her gun ownership and how she will not go after firearms, but she has claimed in the past to support “assault weapons” bans and madatory buyback programs.

    Best case scenario, this debate had 0 influence, worst case, slight increase to Trump depending on the next few days. The biggest loser of tonight? The American People for having to choose between these two.

  • If only this was really true. She owns a handgun, but supports an “assault weapons” ban, and supports mandatory gun buybacks. Which is literally coming for your gun and preventing people from buying new ones.

    Best case scenario is she does nothing or expands background checks, the rest will hopefully be stopped by the supreme court and local police refusing to follow unconstitutional orders.

  • Reconstruction did funny stuff and the mindsets at the time were different. The entire idea of the civil war centered around if we had a federal or confederated government. The confederate argument was states had to ratify the constitution, so therefore they could deratify and break away. Looking back this is obviously wrong, but a large minority of people believed this at the time, including the 15th President I believe. On the other hand, since Lee surrendered unconditionally, the thought process was you don’t kick the man while he’s down. Plus many men in the Union still considered Lee a heroic American figure. Not imprisoning him most likely led to an easier surrender by the rest of the Confederate forces and less paramilitary actions. Reconstruction further limited the punishment of top officials which was a mistake, though there was 0 chance they could end the thoughts and ideals that led to jim crow and the kkk, they could have certainly limited it.