New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe::More than 38 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Ontario as of Oct. 8, with 23,002 reports of adverse reactions, an incidence of 0.06 per cent, Public Health Ontario says
Those are the official numbers, but I’ve heard time and time again from people with vaccine damages, that they have to basically force their doctors to even report their symptoms, so I have my doubts how accurate it is.
some very trustworthy people are telling me you actually ate 32 live cats.
I need to preface this by saying that I am in no way anti-vaccine, and this has nothing to do with politics.
I got my last booster about 3 weeks ago, and I have been messed up ever since. Apparently there is something called Long Vax Syndrome that is currently being studied. Fortunately I don’t have some of the worst symptoms, but the fatigue is so real. Normally when I would get a covid booster I would be exhausted for about 24 hours, but this is unrelenting. I’ve never been this tired in my life, and it’s honestly a struggle. I am really hoping something comes of the research and they figure something out because I don’t know how long I can sustain this.
Same here. Also not ant-vax in general, very much pro-vax for the big three and whatnot. I got 2 vax and a booster willingly, but got sick as a dog all 3 times and missed work each time. The fatigue was crippling. I also got covid twice anyway so thats a bummer, but it wasnt any worse than the post-vax sickness. Maybe the vax reduced the severity of covid, but either way I think Ill pass on getting any more boosters for tbe time being. Ive had plenty of flu vaxes and never had an issue with them.
I have no idea why you’re getting downvotes on this. You’re relating your personal experience, and it’s clearly not an anti-vax type answer. Here’s an upvote to help offset that.
The thing that increased anti-vaxx sentiment and theories of the vaccines killing you or whatever, was governments around the world going full fash with them.
If you don’t take the vaccine, you can’t enter establishments, you can’t work, you’ll be denied healthcare ahead of someone who has been vaccinated, fined if you don’t take it (in the case of Germany) etc etc. If you want people to get vaccinated en masse, this is entirely the opposite way of doing it. It’s no surprise that there’s now been a decline in vaccine uptake in general.
That whole period when the vaccines first came out and the governmental coercion has actively damaged public health messaging for the foreseeable future.
full fash
You mean, they told people they couldn’t spread a dangerous virus to others? How very “fash.”
Fuck that bullshit.
If the vaccines completely stopped the virus spreading, this may have been a good point.
People die in car accidents despite wearing their seatbelts. Forcing people to wear their seatbelts while driving is wrong because it doesn’t grant 100% survival rate.
Ah, the classic “seatbelt analogy”. Everyone’s favourite vaccine analogy that makes zero sense if you actually just stop and think about it for a minute.
Go on.
How long a minute are you taking? It’s been three years.
I’m actually an excellent driver while drunk. Maybe some people can’t handle it but, but I haven’t had an accident once. The laws should be updated to make it legal since drinking and driving doesn’t 100% guarantee you’ll get into an accident.
Another ridiculous analogy.
Keep going, maybe you might get to one that makes sense.
you know you’re actually supposed to provide counter arguments, maybe explaining your reasoning and thought process?
The whole period before about behaving responsibility and using masks showed you all you needed to know about how responsible and interested in the general wellbeing most people were so it only made sense to not leave it up to chance with that.
And it’s not like anyone was forced - only other people were secured from coming in contact with irresponsible and self-centred people that couldn’t care less about them
Here in the UK, during the first lockdown, social distancing and the like was adhered to do quite well. More so than the scientists and government expected. Mainly because it was simple instruction that didn’t stop you from going about your business when you needed to get your groceries.
And it’s not like anyone was forced
No, they were just told they couldn’t participate in society. But then when they realised that the messaging wasn’t working, they gave up on it.
No, they were just told they couldn’t participate in society.
Yes, when you pose a greater risk to society you do not get to participate in it. This has been true since the start of societies.
Do the vaccines work or not?
Because if they do, the unvaccinated are not a threat to you.
I just don’t want them in society. If they’re unwilling to take the vaccine they probably also don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.
So your view is based purely on prejudice, rather than on fact?
Interesting parallel to an anti-vaxxer who refuses vaccines based on misinformation, rather than fact.