They’re self-hosting Tangled on their server. The BlueSky part only relates to the protocol used for communication between it and other nodes. Definitely a confusing title though.
They’re self-hosting Tangled on their server. The BlueSky part only relates to the protocol used for communication between it and other nodes. Definitely a confusing title though.
Oompa Loompas telling Willy Wonka to give the kids fruit.
Namecheap. Avoid Dynadot.
I’m using memos in a docker container.
I like it because it has few features but they all work well. It’s great for taking quick notes or writing whole journal entries.
Awesome, love the design - something new for the homelab!
She promised not to invade Greenland.
But haven’t we all? /s
Too late, I switched to Floorp.
Because of privacy stuff? No. Because of repeated drama? Yes.
I don’t have time for this stuff. I don’t have time to track every minute twist of the knife that Google’s funding drives Mozilla to embark on.
I’m bored of using software and watching it go through “death by a thousand minor dramas”
So now I use a web browser that has a name so stupid I don’t even recommend it to other people. Brilliant.
It’s free after 3pm
They’ve just done the same with a calendar app that I forget the name of. They then rereleased it under their own brand.
They appear to be on an unspoken mission to challenge Google’s suite of apps, so I’d hazard a guess that email tech is a part of that puzzle (along with calendar)
766 third parties
Facebook: look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power
How long a minute are you taking? It’s been three years.
I can only speak from personal experience but for me they jacked up the price significantly after year one and then sent my domain straight to auction after I decided not to pay. I respect that there are reseller-focused providers out there but they aren’t for me.
On the other hand, I’ve had nothing but quality service from namecheap for the best part of a decade.