I’ve recently (finally) taken the leap into self-hosting my RSS reader, and I’m wondering what feeds everyone’s subscribed to
I’ve currently got some basics like Github releases for software I use, the great selfh.st blog for self-hosted news, hackaday, some essentials like xkcd, and an attempt at following new music releases from artists I like, but I’m sure there are other great feeds out there that I should also be aware of
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/26356680
selfh.st is popular
Hi! Here some feeds I follow, about Linux, tech, Windows, Apple & FOSS:
- https://itsfoss.com/feed/
- https://www.tecmint.com/feed/
- https://tecadmin.net/feed/
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/atom/atom.xml
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/Command-line-fu
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/ServeTheHome
- https://www.fosslife.org/rss.xml
- https://feeds.feedburner.com/TheHackersNews
- https://rss.app/feeds/W5lrf9Gjbp3WEgYr.xml
- https://www.ghacks.net/feed/
- https://realpython.com/atom.xml
- https://nextcloud.com/feed
- https://www.debugpoint.com/rss
- https://www.linuxjournal.com/node/feed
- https://osxdaily.com/feed/
- https://4sysops.com/feed/
- https://opensource.com/feed
- https://jellyfin.org/index.xml
- https://wallabag.org/feed.xml
- https://linuxtldr.com/feed
- https://www.linuxuprising.com/feeds/posts/default
- https://www.linux.com/feed/
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxtoday/linux
- https://techdirectarchive.com/rss
- https://activedirectorypro.com/blog/feed/
- https://adamtheautomator.com/rss/
- https://www.pcwdld.com/feed
- https://rdr-it.com/en/feed/
- http://www.slipstick.com/feed
- https://supertechman.com.au/feed
- https://thesysadminchannel.com/feed/
- http://woshub.com/feed/
- https://www.pcwdld.com/tutorials/feed
- https://www.thelazyadministrator.com/feed/
- https://supertechman.com.au/feed
-< FErArg >-
Lemmy communities work as RSS feeds. I came here from my RSS reader (Nunti on android) :)
I saved the post because I’ve always been interested in aggregating a RSS feed, but I need ideas for what to subscribe to. Thanks for making the post
Here are some interesting feeds I follow, mostly tech-focused and quite Rust heavy:
- Alexis King’s Blog
- Blog on Asahi Linux
- brson
- dystroy
- ecton
- fasterthanli.me
- Faultlore
- Graphite - Blog
- Ink & Switch
- Jade’s Website
- Lord.io
- Mara’s Blog
- matklad
- Raph Levien’s blog
- Tulir Asokan
- Xe Iaso’s blog
Generated by opening an OPML export in firefox, running the following script and deleting a bunch of feeds:
"- " + [...document.querySelectorAll("body > outline > outline")].map((f) => `[${f.getAttribute("text")}](${f.getAttribute("htmlUrl")}) \`${f.getAttribute("xmlUrl")}\``).join("\n- ")
- Alexis King’s Blog
in addition to some feeds already posted by others:
Nerd blogs, a couple message boards and Reddit subs, and XKCD, of course.
Some feeds I follow
- Adventures in Linux and KDE: https://pointieststick.com/feed/
- F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/feed.xml
- GamingOnLinux: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/article_rss.php
- Project Zomboid: https://projectzomboid.com/blog/feed/
- This Week in KDE Apps https://blogs.kde.org/categories/this-week-in-kde-apps/index.xml
- This Week in Plasma: https://blogs.kde.org/categories/this-week-in-plasma/index.xml
Youtube channels. A simple timeline of uploads, only showing chanels I care about.
Well, managed by the great FreshRSS and read via the beautiful Read You android app (french here, so some sites won’t ring a bell to most):
- geek : a few on warhammer 40k and miniature painting, some tech related (like official android website, journaldugeek, korben, clubic, le café du geek, MariusHosting, selfh.st, and some others)
- webcomics : badspace, getcomics, questionablecontent (well, used to, it doesn’t work anymore), work chronicles, and of course xkcd
- pro : stuff related to laws and compliance, but also stuff related to automation in MS3652 environment ('cause I’m lazy AF, and if I can automatize it, let’s do it !)
- hobbies : warhammer (again) and analog photography related stuff, but very few, I should expand that list.
badspace has a RSS feed? I thought signing up for the newsletter was the only way
I have to say I only put the url in freshrss, and magic happened. Fresh found https://www.badspacecomics.com/blog-feed.xml
Thanks a lot! Sometimes the internet is just wizards. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
Definitly, and people who write those soft are my magic heroes ! :)
Only two so far. A followed a few french one, but they stopped or don’t match with what I want : (argentique2.2, Clement Blin, AnalogYou.
Emulsive, more to keep tracks of past articles, and analog.cafe. On the site, some paywall, but via FreshRSS and ReadYou, I seem able to read the entire of the articles. I’ll take 35mmc, but if you find more, I’ll be interested :)
Cool thank you, I haven’t heard of analog.cafe before.
Heyy I’ve been looking around at different android apps and I think I’ve also settled on “Read You.” Thank you for the list, I haven’t heard of lots of them like MariusHosting and they look interesting
Which feeds do you watch for automation? I also like automating what I can lol
For automation : [](Let’s POWER Automate), SPGuides and SPLighbulb moments.
Also, but not via RSS, but via youtube : Reza Dorrani, Sharepoint Maven, Pragmatic Works, Academy 365.
Dozens… yt channels, tech blogs, changelogs, etc
The following for reading and listening:
- NPR Podcasts
- The marginalian
- Aeon Magazine
- JSTOR Daily
and some youtube channels, research journals, subreddits.
mostly youtube channels and online webcomics (xkcd my beloved), although there is the occassional podcast (none of which I have listened to)
Ctrl Alt Speech: a podcast by TechDirt’s Mike Masnick (who coined the term “Streisand Effect”) about online speech and content regulation, and how it’s not at all a simple nor straightforward task.
Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2315966.rss
Soatok’s Dhole Moments: a blog on cryptography and computer security, with in-depth algorithm discussions interspersed with entertaining furry art. SFW. Also find Soatok on Mastodon.
Feed: https://soatok.blog/feed/
Molly White’s Citation Needed newsletter: critiques of cryptocurrency, regulations, policies, and news. Available as a podcast too. Also find Molly White on Mastodon. She also has a site dedicated to cryptocurrency disasters.
A question for the ages: why are there so many young cybersecurity furries?
Does the field attract furries, or does it create them?
I think it’s attraction
Nothing burger list
https://mattlakeman.org/ https://globalchinapulse.net/ https://sinocism.com/ https://ciechanow.ski/ https://www.blog.jonathannolan.net/ https://freefincal.com/ https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/ARbTQlRLRjE/matthew-s-levine https://aeon.co/ https://www.experimental-history.com/ https://www.gurwinder.blog/ https://kagifeedback.org/ https://nate.mecca1.net/ https://charleshughsmith.substack.com/ https://chipsandcheese.com/ https://github.com/francisrstokes/githublog https://jerf.org/iri/ https://restofworld.org/ https://scottaaronson.blog/ https://signal.org/blog/