There’s been a lot of buzz about Meshtastic lately, and with good reason. The low-power LoRa-based network has a ton of interesting use cases, and as with any mesh network, the more nodes the…
Its 800/900ish MHz depending in where in the world you are. So UHF ranges. 1 to five mile range can be expected just carrying one around with a rubber duck style antenna. Range goes up considerably if you out it up in top of your house, fivish to twenty. Pit on a dedicated mast or high building with clear sight lines? Could get up to fifty miles.
Current record I think is 170 miles but that’s transmitting from a mountain top and I think a directional antenna.
For vhf/UHF the key is ‘height is might.’ That’s why I can use a handheld and, with the right antenna, hit the ISS but also have maybe five miles point to point and need a repeater to hit anywhere of worth.
Its 800/900ish MHz depending in where in the world you are. So UHF ranges. 1 to five mile range can be expected just carrying one around with a rubber duck style antenna. Range goes up considerably if you out it up in top of your house, fivish to twenty. Pit on a dedicated mast or high building with clear sight lines? Could get up to fifty miles.
Current record I think is 170 miles but that’s transmitting from a mountain top and I think a directional antenna.
For vhf/UHF the key is ‘height is might.’ That’s why I can use a handheld and, with the right antenna, hit the ISS but also have maybe five miles point to point and need a repeater to hit anywhere of worth.