• Carrolade@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Note, I was not trying to say that all of MN always votes blue. I also find it a little odd how personally you’re taking this. So, what I’m trying to point out, is that if you’re accustomed to “MN nice”, you do not have an accurate understanding of the depth of the hatred prevalent in much of the rest of the country. It’s not some gentle misguidedness, it’s a deep-seated meanness and corruption, a hatred of others and the self. A deep shame.

    Not in everyone, not at all. But very prevalent, very noticeable.

    Personally I’m from a state not famous for nice people and having lots of lakes and a funny accent like MN is known throughout our nation for, but a state very famous for its racism and poor education ranking. So I’ve see it a lot, it’s unfortunate and sad.

    Now, I love Walz, Minnesotans and progressive values, but try not to be too surprised by the depth of the hatred out there, and just how dark and immune to the overton window the actual fascist-loving folks of the world can be. This is not some cure-all. The cure to it will be crushing it in an election, weathering the possible terrorism incidents that result, and proving that they’re all losers.

    When it comes to the moderates, people like Never Trumpers, I’ll be surprised if they respond well to progressive ideas, they don’t actually like equality, they just hate Trump more.