As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both “prickly” and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her.

The controversial Cannon – who has been accused of slow-walking Donald Trump’s obstruction of justice trial related to his alleged illegal retention of government documents – in recent hearings has pressed lawyers to remake their points over and over, which led to the New York Times’ Alan Feuer to question whether, “she does not understand the answers she is receiving or is trying to push back against them.”

“Only the best,” am I right?

    4 months ago

    I think there is more going on then that. Wouldn’t you?

    If I go ask ten people what they think about any wedge issue, majority of them will give right wing talking points even if they don’t lean right.

    They’re winning and being ignorant to it doesn’t help any. I still see assholes on my overpass on weekends rotating topics like carbon taxes, vaccines, bill gates, WHO and so on. The supporting honks they get is soul crushing.

    Can you explain what spewing mostly fabricated, irrelevant nonsense has to do with being dominate socially or politically? Cause I would argue it’s more of an obstacle to dominating in these areas.

      4 months ago

      Yes, you are correct — their rhetoric is more further-reaching, no doubt. They control the narratives, absolutely. But this isn’t because they’re being rhetoricians, it’s because:

      • They lack the morality to care.
      • They have the vast majority of the money and with it a greater loudspeaker.
      • Selling fear and rageporn and lies and half-truths will always be easier than conveying the complexity and nuance of truth and reality.