And all of your data that they’ve collected over the years.
Yes, I downvote youtube links.
And all of your data that they’ve collected over the years.
Ah, so it wasn’t that they voted more for trump, just that there was a shift towards him from a solidly democrat lean before… and a huge one in terms of males (41% to 56%, looking at that article), like I said?
Didn’t ‘the youth’ break for trump in historic proportions compared to previous elections? The males, at the very least.
I’d like to believe that, I really would, but let’s be honest with ourselves. The current republicans (in leadership) aren’t stupid. They’ve gotten pretty decent at running with donald’s bullshit and spinning it. They also know that politics isn’t much different than sports teams for the vast majority of the voting public in america. They’ll not have trouble finding someone who is charismatic enough to spit verbal acid at opponents in a primary AND can be riled up against the demographic target of choice.
The only real challenge for them will be 1.) finding someone with donald’s ‘blessing’ or a connection to him to set it up as ‘taking over’ so the republican voters will find it so amazing, AND 2.) ensuring someone like musk doesn’t try to torpedo everything by using vast amounts of money to try to buy their way into the ring.
I mean, I think he said it’s a pink wolf furry, so you’re probably good if he’s the one penetrating. If it was a pink furry wolf, on the other hand…
Not the same person with the program. Just another person making an excuse.
hollowed out wooden dildos
I don’t think the Cage likes being referred to so blandly…
Glad I’m not the only one who did a double take for duplicitous.
It’s already possible to see if you really want to look. Friendica is just another way.
If my voting rights were stripped by this law, I would know what to do, and who to do it to. I wouldn’t become a secondary citizen (at best), or nothing but a (wage/birthing) slave.
It’ll speed up my slow death, I’m sure. I love forever chemicals!
And the people with guns receive their orders from the President and lower hierarchies of the executive branch.
While police are generally ‘executive’ they are often supposed to take orders directly from the courts. Most warrants begin with phrasing in this manner: “[any] peace officer shall arrest…” Some states also allow judges to directly order peace officers to make arrests for offense committed in the judge’s presence without a warrant being drawn up first. Even if their boss is telling them to not do it, they should ignore the unlawful orders and get along with the handcuffing, but it won’t ever happen.
Just like how trump was soft-handed in every courtroom for the last four years, I can’t imagine any judge right now ordering his appearance at court or an arrest. Anyone with half a brain knows that he would ignore it, and it would go to the supreme court and they would rubber stamp whatever he had done as being not subject to the law because he was ‘acting in the presidential capacity.’
It’s because most of the people who have access, or would have access, are comfortable. The majority of people who undertake actions that will render them Public Enemy #1 are in a religious fervor, situations they think are unbearable or will end them anyway, or are hyped by the (sometimes real) thought that they are acting with the social support of everyone they care about. Luigi, as an example, supposedly suffers from horrible pain in his back, and likely thought that most agreed with him on the evil qualities of healthcare insurers.
Government employees are generally well paid and have good benefits. They’ll have families or significant mental/emotional investments in things that they don’t want to see suffer because of their actions. Even in the most liberal/progressive of areas, there will also be enough colleagues/associates around that would lick trump’s feces to ruin thoughts that ‘the majority’ of people would support their actions. The ones who are about to be fired may be pushed into a category above, but by that point they’ll have that potential access cut off.
The little person, too, needs to learn to just say no. Make them push it farther. Fight back and get pyrrhic victories.
I’m guessing this was on a military base, so the usual eviction shit doesn’t apply, but remember that in civilian life, until law enforcement shows up with a court order in hand, anyone removing you from your house is breaking criminal law.
most of the citizens of DC will literally want to see Trump, Musk, and Vance’s heads on pikes
If things get bad enough, the military and those guarding the president may simply look the other way and let the mob storm the gates
I wish I could live in your fantasy world, mate, but it’s never going to happen. The ideological divide has mutated beautifully into full-on trench warfare between camps of cheerleaders/fans. There are more than enough of the ‘other’ in positions that matter to make the machine’s gears keep turning.
It’s all about who you can say it to. As much as elmo is probably trying to change it, right now the dystopian future of shadowrun hasn’t appeared, and the various governments are still the big dogs in the pound. See brazil for a recent example. Even apple, famously trying to thwart regulations, has eventually caved to the EU on the charger issue, as another example.
Good thing musky got that big compensation package shoved through, eh?
“Economic security concerns”
What a bullshit way of saying they have resources, and you think you should be able to steal them and get money.
Does anybody know the political leanings of his healthcare team after that stroke? Did they influence his fractured mind as it was healing? I wonder if ‘stroke’ is the new doublespeak word for reconditioning at a CIA black site.
/jokes for the too-serious minded.
Did I Mumble?