I went on a site the other day, and a massive popup appeared before I could do anything.
“We Respect Your Privacy”
1200+ “data partners”.
Big blue “Accept” button.
Yeah, no you don’t.
They’ll write “you’re welcome” on your bathroom mirror when they track that you’re in the shower.
lol, glad i switched from outlook to protonmail
How did you switch? What about existing email senders like your bank, etc? Are you forwarding your mails?
In general, you just tell them to use your new address, change your online accounts, etc. and for the transition phase, you either forward or, like I did, just have both accounts in your mail app until you’ve reached everyone who needs the new address
I hate that it’s not possible to change your email address easily (or even at all) with some services. Tell me your website backend sucks without telling me your website backend sucks.
The crazy thing is it’s not even banking or finance websites that are ass backwards (as you would expect), it’s other random sites that just for whatever reason don’t have a proper account management.
Fun fact! If you have outlook on your phone with a work account added, chances are IT has admin access to your phone and can remotely wipe it at any time. Also means that your phone can be collected as evidence if you or the company is involved in a court case possibly related to emails
Ok I’ve tested this with some users that definitely do have their work emails on their private phones and I can’t see what this setting is. Are you sure about this, it seems super dodgy?
Modern way of doing it is via intune: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/remote-actions/devices-wipe
You can force registration of the device before they can access the environment, and you can enforce all sorts of things.
Doesn’t that create an isolated admin environment I don’t think it gives me access to their personal stuff.
Also not part of Outlook, adding a work email to a private device doesn’t register it to the admin environment
If you set up intune correctly (and its a requirement) you can prevent access to the entire of m365 including outlook unless they register their device and you can use allow lists for users who are approved to use their own devices, or just block them full stop while allowing company phones access.
If yours isn’t requiring registration, then its not setup to do so, you can very much enforce it, this is usually done via conditional access requiring that the device is registered before it can get access.
Often admins also forget to block web access from mobile devices, but that’s also blockable via the conditional access settings (and other ways, but conditional is how I would do it). Its not perfect as its using the user agent, which can be spoofed. Personally if the client needs that level of protection then web access should just be blocked for non company devices.
You can enforce that the company is added as a device manager, that’s usually how the device wipe is enforced. Access to personal data isn’t really what you are granting here, it is the ability to remote wipe the entire device.
Its a proper device management system with a ton of options. You can for example force users to only use an approved list of applications on their own device for company data.
There are ways around this. I run Outlook inside of a sandbox, so you can remote wipe the sandbox, but the rest of the phone isn’t accessible to anything in the sandbox even with “device admin” permissions.
Literally who would knowingly accept that
I’ve been a software developer for nearly 25 years now, and I can tell you this.
No cunt reads anything.
Something pops up over the top of what they want, they’ll click OK.
Or they call tech support and say their computer doesn’t work anymore
As the spouse of an inpatient person who doesn’t like tech, you’re completely correct.
Users not reading shit I can understand but it makes my blood boil when it your own bloody colleagues.
Being as I’m forced to use outlook for work… At least it’s just my work persona they are tracking and selling? That guy is wild.
It’s a wonder how Outlook and Exchange Server are used by most companies, many of which have sensitive confidential and proprietary data. Choosing Microsoft is all about having someone to blame for your security problems, not achieving secure communications and storage.
766 third parties
Facebook: look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power
Facebook: “All third parties”
“How many third parties?”
You know any third parties? Could you give them this copy of your data, thanks.
Also, it’s the language scam of the decade to have a [privacy] agreement or terms with a “third party” which is basically anonymous/anyone/indeterminate/changing/.
Agree this is bullshit, but at least there’s a Reject All button which is far more than we probably would have got prior to the introduction of GDPR.
reject() { accept(); } accept() { sendData(); }
Funny you say that. When I received this popup I noticed that hovering the mouse over one option, also highlights the other. Not suspicious at all!
Oh well as long as it’s their legitimate interest, then by all means!
Admiral Ads: We value your privacy
Me: Reject All
Admiral Ads: Some parties cannot be rejected due to LeGiTiMaTe InTeReStS
Me: my legitimate interests are PiHole and uBO then 🙃
At least there’s a “Reject all” button.
God can you imagine.
768 collapsed areas for each one. You have to expand that area and click the small slider with a 3 second UI freeze each time you do.
Then at the end when you click apply, you get a spinning wheel with “Applying your choices” that seems like it has timed out.
But half of them have a web link to go to another website’s main page, in order to manually find the overall 3rd party opt out, which it may or may not remember on the next site you visit that uses it, but you can’t tell so you better do it again anyway next time.
Even I get partway through and I wonder if I’m not getting too old for this internet shit. I guarantee most people are not bothering.
This is pretty much fandom